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Latest comment: 9 years ago by Andyboorman

The following is Terry Pennington's classification of Sapotaceae, from The Genera of Sapotaceae (1991) which is presented as a contrast to the emerging classification on the main taxa pages.
Sapotaceae de Jussieu (1789)
Tribus: Mimusopeae Hartog (1878)

  • Subtribus: Mimusopinae
    • Genera: Mimusops Linnaeus (1753), Vitellariopsis Baillon ex Dubard (1915), Autranella Chevalier (1917), Tieghemella Pierre (1890), Baillonella Pierre (1890), Vitellaria C.F. Gaertner (1807)
  • Subtribus: Manilkarinae
    • Genera: Manilkara Adanson (1763), Labramia A. de Candolle (1844), Faucherea Lecomte (1920), Northia J.D. Hooker (1884), Labourdonnaisia Bojer (1837), Letestua Lecomte (1920)
  • Subtribus: Glueminae Pennington (1991)
    • Genera: Inhambanella (Engler) Dubard (1915), Neolemmoniera Heine (1960), Lecomtedoxa (Pierre ex Engler) Dubard (1914), Gluema Aubréville and Pellegrin (1935), Eberhardtia Lecomte (1920)

Tribus: Isonandreae Harthog (1878)

  • Genera: Palaquium Blanco (1837), Aulandra H.J. Lam (1927), Isonandra Wight (1840), Madhuca Hamilton ex Gmelin (1791), Payena A. de Candolle (1844), Burckella Pierre (1890), Diploknema Pierre (1884)

Tribus: Sideroxyleae (Engler) H.J. Lam) (1938)

  • Genera: Sideroxylon Linnaeus (1753), Neohemsleya Pennington (1991), Nesoluma Baillon (1891), Argania Roemer and Schultes (1891), Sarcosperma Hooker f. (1876), Diploön Cronquist (1946)

Tribus: Chrysophylleae Hartog (1878)

  • Genera: Pouteria Aublet (1775), Aubregrinia Heine (1960), Breviea Aubréville and Pellegrin (1935), Micropholis (Grisebach) Pierre (1891), Chromolucuma Ducke (1925), Chrysophyllum Linnaeus (1753), Ecclinusa Martius (1839), Delpydora Pierre (1897), Pichonia Pierre (1890), Sarcaulus Radlkofer (1882), Elaeoluma Baillon (1891), Niemeyera F.v. Mueller (1870), Pradosia Liais (1872), Leptostylis Bentham (1876), Pycnandra Bentham (1876), Synsepalum (A. de Candolle) Daniell (1852), Englerophytum Krause (1914), Xantolis Rafinesque (1838), Capurodendron Aubréville (1962)

Tribus: Omphalocarpeae Dubard ex Aubréville (1964)

  • Genera: Tsebona Capuron (1962), Magodendron Vink (1957), Omphalocarpum Palisot de Beauvois ex Ventenat (1800), Tridesmostemon Engler (1905)

Andyboorman (talk) 16:48, 17 February 2015 (UTC)Reply