
From Wikispecies
Latest comment: 4 years ago by Andyboorman
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There is still uncertainty with regards to synonymy within these genera, particularity Durandea, Philbornea, Roucheria and Hugonia where consensus is lacking. Christenhusz et al., 2018 have published combinations for Hugonia in order to transfer all remaining species of Durandea and a single species of Roucheria to Hugonia. McDill & Simpson (2011) used Hugonia incorporating some species of Durandea in their analysis, as Hugonia sect. Durandea, but this still left the later paraphylectic. However, they also found Indorouchera and Philbornea were found be closely related to Hugonia sect. Durandea. They also point out that Hebepetalum was not closely related to the other genera, but Roucheria maybe more closely related to the other members of the subfamily in spite of its arboreal habit, regional distribution and general similarities to Hebepetalum. Prior to Christenhusz et al. (2018) all combinations in Hugonia were not available, but this has been resolved except for Indorouchera contestiana.

The taxonomic opinions pending further research are:

  • Incorporate Durandea Planch., Indorouchera and Philbornea Hallier f. into an expanded Hugonia, as recommended by Christenhusz et al., (2018) and partially enacted on PWO.
  • Leave the six genera more or less intact pending further research, as recommended by McDill & Simpson (2011). WS should adopt a conservative approach and keep the genera segregated, but with notes. Andyboorman (talk) 08:50, 25 June 2020 (UTC)Reply