Synarthrophyton magellanicum

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Taxonavigation: Hapalidiales 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Divisio: Rhodophyta
Subdivisio: Rhodophytina
Classis: Florideophyceae
Subclassis: Corallinophycidae
Ordo: Hapalidiales

Familia: Hapalidiaceae
Subfamilia: Melobesioideae
Genus: Synarthrophyton
Species: Synarthrophyton magellanicum



Synarthrophyton magellanicum (Foslie) Keats & Y.M.Chamberlain, 1997


  • Basionym
    • Lithothamnion magellanicum Foslie, 1895
      • Type locality: Tierra del Fuego.
      • Holotype: Hariot; 1883; no habitat data on type. PC unnumbered, General Herbarium box collection (non-fossil; filed in non-geniculate coralline type collections cabinet under basionym). Notes: Also TRH (marked Strait of Magellan) B2-1705, Hariot no. 6, includes slides 198, 416 and one unnumbered slide. Holotype is split between PC and TRH material.

