Stramentum pulchellum
[edit]Taxonavigation: Archaeolepadomorpha |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: †Stramentidae
Subfamilia: †Stramentinae
Genus: Stramentum
Species: Stramentum pulchellum
[edit]- Stramentum pulchellum (Sowerby, 1843: 260)
- Original genus: Loricula
- Geological age: Cretaceous (Cenomanian-Turonian)
- Type locality: Cretaceous (Cenomanian); near Rochester, Kent, England
- Typus: Holotype complete individual, BMNH 59150
- Distribution: Widespread in England, Europe, Mexico, on ammonoids
- ZooBank: 939311EA-E189-4558-B670-05EDCA52501F
[edit]- Loricula darwini Woodward, 1908]: 493
- Synonymized by Withers, 1920: 70, as insufficiently distinct apart from size
- Typus: Syntypes, BMNH I.9130
- ZooBank: D03467C1-9E9F-43EE-92C7-79B1B5706483
- Loricula gigas Fritsch, 1877: 147
- Considered conspecific by Withers, 1920, and Veselska et al., 2013
- Typus: NMPC O3445, Prague
- ZooBank: 95E9FE30-1ECB-441A-80B3-34AA9923346E
- Loricula macadami Thomson, 1858: 322
- Synonymized by Withers, 1920: 70, as not having distinctive diagnostic features
- Typus: Holotype in MacAdam Collection, Belfast Public Art Gallery and Museum; plaster cast BMNH In.20585
- ZooBank: 0D20DE92-2FF6-4BDC-BFDB-0F8B2CCC4AD8
- Stramentum praecursor Gale, 2015: 31
- Synonymized by Gale, 2024: 48, as falling within species range of S. pulchellum
- Type locality: Holotype locality uncertain, lower Chalk, Kent or Sussex; paratype locality Glynde, near Lewes, Sussex, UK
- Typus: Holotype SM B.8935, complete specimen illustrated in Withers, 1935, pl. 40, fig. 1; paratype BMNH 00686
- Distribution: UK (Sussex, Kent) and Normandy, France
- ZooBank: 202C3F39-AE5E-436F-AB5E-A3754E532BD4
[edit]- Sowerby, G.B. Jr. 1843. Description of a new fossil cirripede from the upper Chalk near Rochester. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (1) 12: 260–261. BHL. Reference page. [See p. 260, as Loricula pulchella]
- Fritsch, A. 1877. Studien im Gebiete der Böhmischen Kreideformation. II. Die Weissenbergeer und Malnitzer Schichten. Archiv für die naturwissenschaftliche Landesdurchforschung von Böhmen, 4(1): 1–153. BHL. Reference page.
- Gale, A.S. 2015. Origin and phylogeny of the Cretaceous thoracican cirripede family Stramentidae. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 14(8): 653–702. DOI: 10.1080/14772019.2015.1091149Reference page. [See p. 32, revision; see p. 31 as Stramentum praecursor, junior synonym]
- Gale, A.S. 2024. British Fossil Cirripedia. Part 1. Introduction. Iblomorpha, Eolepadomorpha, Archaeolepadomorpha and Pollicipedomorpha. Monograph of the Palaeontographical Society 178(668): 1–104. DOI: org/10.1080/02693445.2024.2420447
Reference page. [See p. 47, discussion, distribution, synonyms]
- Kočová Veselská, M., Kočí, T. & Buckeridge, J.S. 2013. A systematic revision of Stramentum (Stramentum) pulchellum (G.B. Sowerby, Jr., 1843) (Cirripedia, Thoracica, Stramentidae) from the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin, the Czech Republic. Sborník Národního Muzea v Praze. Řada B, Přírodní vědy 69(3-4): 151–158. PDF. Reference page. [See for complete synonymy, illustration and evaluation of Fritsch's specimens, and revision of all Bohemian material]
- Kočová Veselská, M., Kočí, T. & Buckeridge, J.S. 2020. Cirripedes from hemipelagic deposits of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin (Czech Republic), with remarks on an exceptionally well-preserved capitulum of Diotascalpellum angustatum (Geinitz, 1843). Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen 296(1-2)ː 129–145. DOI: 10.1127/njgpa/2020/0891
Reference page. [See p. 137, Bohemian occurence, stratigraphic range]
- Thomson, W. 1858: Description of the fossil. IN MacAdam, James, On a new fossil cirripede. Annals and magazine of natural history 3 1(5): 323-325. BHL Reference page.
- Withers, T.H. 1920: The Cirripede subgenus Scillælepas; its probable occurrence in the Jurassic rocks (S. gaveyi, sp. n.). Annals and magazine of natural history 9 5(27): 258-264. DOI: 10.1080/00222932008632373BHL Reference page. [fixation of type species, synonyms]
- Withers, T.H. 1935: Catalog of fossil Cirripedia in the Department of Geology of the British Museum. Vol. 2, Cretaceous. London, British Museum, 433 p. Reference page. [See p. 316, as Stramentum pulchellum]
- Woodward, H. 1908. On a large cirripede belonging to genus Loricula from the Middle Chalk (Turonian), Cuxton, near Rochester, Kent. Geological magazine (decade V) 5, 491–499. BHL Reference page.