Stiphodon aureofuscus
Taxonavigation: Gobioidei |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Oxudercidae
Subfamilia: Sicydiinae
Genus: Stiphodon
Species: Stiphodon aureofuscus
[edit]Stiphodon aureofuscus Keith et al., 2015
- Holotype: MZB 22726.
- Paratypes: MNHN 2015-0099 (2, 0), 2015-0100 (1, 0); MZB 22727 (0, 1), 22728 (1, 0).
Type locality: Indonesia, East Java, Kabupaten Blitar, Ngerjo, 113 m asl.
Etymology: The name of the species is derived from aureo (= golden), and fuscus (= black), and refers to the colour pattern of the males.
[edit]- Keith, P., Busson, F., Sauri, S., Hubert, N. & Hadiaty, R. 2015. A new Stiphodon (Gobiidae) from Indonesia / Une espèce nouvelle de Stiphodon (Gobiidae) d’Indonésie. Cybium 39(3): 219–225. Abstract (PDF)Reference page.