Solanum nigrum

[modifica]Navigazione: Solanales |
Classification System: APG IV
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Solanaceae
Subfamilia: Solanoideae
Tribus: Solaneae
Genus: Solanum
Subgenus: S. subg. Solanum
Sectio: S. sect. Solanum
Species: Solanum nigrum
[modifica]Solanum nigrum L. (1753:186)
- Lectotype: "Habitat in Orbis totius cultis" S.c. s.n. (LINN 248-18)
- Designated by Henderson (1974:16).
[modifica](After Särkinen et al., 2018; material not found from Opiz and Presl probably at PR, as no specimen from that herbarium were examined by them and Opiz specimen are mostly to be found there.)
- Homotypic
- Solanum vulgatum Baumg. (1790:120)
- Solanum humile Salisb. (1790:134)
- Solanum morella Desv. (1818:113)
- Solanum vulgare Hegetschw. (1838:219)
- Solanum vulgatum (L.) Spenn. var. nigrum (L.) Spenn. (1826:427)
- Solanum morella subsp. nigrum (L.) Rouy (1908:364)
- Heterotypic
- Solanum nigrum var. vulgare L. (1753:186)
- Solanum vulgatum (L.) Spenn. (1826:427) nom. illeg. non Baumg. (1790)
- Lectotype: "Solanum 3 α" s.c. s.n. (BM000558026, BM)
- Designated by Särkinen et al. (2018).
- Località tipo: cultivated in George Clifford's garden in Hartekamp, The Netherlands
- Lectotype: "Solanum 3 α" s.c. s.n. (BM000558026, BM)
- Solanum nigrum var. judaicum L. (1753:186)
- Type: Unknown (no specimens or illustrations cited, Särkinen et al., 2018)
- Solanum judaicum Besser (1809:183)
- Type: Unknown (no specimens or illustrations cited, Särkinen et al., 2018)
- Solanum parviflorum Moretti ex Badarò (1824:364), nom. illeg, non S. parviflorum Nocca (1793, =? S. corymbosum
Jacq.) - Solanum nigrum var. perennans Bertol. (1836:634)
- Lectotype: G.B. Badarò s.n. (G00144311, G-DC)
- Designated by D'Arcy (1974:735).
- Località tipo: Italy. Liguria. "in olivetis Liguriae occid[ose]"
- Lectotype: G.B. Badarò s.n. (G00144311, G-DC)
- Solanum cestrifolium Jacq. ex Spreng. (1825:680)
- Type: Unknown (no original material cited or found, Särkinen et al., 2018)
- Solanum rhinozerothis Blume (1826:695)
- Neotype: C.L. Blume s.n. (L2883159, L)
- Designated by Särkinen et al. (2018).
- Località tipo: Indonesia
- Neotype: C.L. Blume s.n. (L2883159, L)
- Solanum vulgatum (L.) Spenn. var. chlorocarpum Spenn. (1829:1074)
- Solanum nigrum var. chlorocarpum (Spenn.) Schur (1866:178)
- Type: Unknown (no original material cited or found, Särkinen et al., 2018)
- Località tipo: Switzerland. Fribourg.
- Solanum moschatum C.Presl (1832:77)
- Type: Unknown (no original material cited or found, Särkinen et al., 2018)
- Località tipo: Italy. Sicily. Palermo: "in cultis ruderatis Panormi Siciliae"
- Solanum nigrum var. atriplicifoliumDesp. ex G.Mey. (1836:265)
- Solanum nigrum subvar. atriplicifolium (G.Mey.) Schinz & Thell. (1914:295, as "Desp. ex Dunal", the isonym)
- Lectotype: [illegible] s.n. [annotation "Solanum atriplicifolium" in Desportes hand] (G00144334, G-DC)
- Designated by Särkinen et al. (2018).
- Località tipo: France. Pays de la Loire. "St. Germain de Calberte, basse Lozère"/"Mans [Le Mans]"
- Lectotype: [illegible] s.n. [annotation "Solanum atriplicifolium" in Desportes hand] (G00144334, G-DC)
- Solanum chenopodium Raf. (1840:107)
- Type: Unknown (no original material cited, probably lost, Särkinen et al., 2018)
- Località tipo: "Europa"
- Solanum exaratum Raf. (1840:107)
- Type: Unknown (no original material cited, probably lost, Särkinen et al., 2018)
- Località tipo: "Europa"
- Solanum Bidentatum Raf. (1840:107)
- Type: Unknown (no original material cited, probably lost, Särkinen et al., 2018)
- Località tipo: "Italia, Sicilia"
- Solanum tauschii Opiz (in Berchtold & al., 1843:xx)
- Syntypes: I.F. Tausch s.n. [Herb. Flor. Boehm. 1076], Sadel s.n., P.M. Opiz 10/8 40
- No original material located (Särkinen et al., 2018).
- Syntypes: I.F. Tausch s.n. [Herb. Flor. Boehm. 1076], Sadel s.n., P.M. Opiz 10/8 40
- Solanum reineggeri Opiz (in Berchtold & al., 1843:xix)
- Type: Reinegger s.n. (not found, Särkinen et al., 2018)
- Località tipo: "Austria. Niederösterreich"
- Solanum decipiens Opiz (in Berchtold & al., 1843:xxiv)
- Syntypes: P.M. Opiz 10/838, .M. Opiz 23/10 835, P.M. Opiz 4/8 40, Janoti 804
- No original material located (Särkinen et al., 2018).
- Syntypes: P.M. Opiz 10/838, .M. Opiz 23/10 835, P.M. Opiz 4/8 40, Janoti 804
- Solanum schultesii Opiz (in Berchtold & al., 1843:xxiv)
- Solanum nigrum var. schultesii (Opiz) Rouy (in Blom, 1935:201)
- Solanum nigrum subsp. schultesii (Opiz) Wessely (1960:311)
- Syntypes: P.M. Opiz 10/10 35, P.M. Opiz s.n.
- No original material located (Särkinen et al., 2018).
- Syntypes: P.M. Opiz 10/10 35, P.M. Opiz s.n.
- Solanum nigrum f. stenopetalum A.Braun ex Döll (1843:412)
- Syntypes: A. Braun s.n., A. Braun & J.C. Döll s.n.
- No original material located (Särkinen et al., 2018).
- Syntypes: A. Braun s.n., A. Braun & J.C. Döll s.n.
- Solanum nigrum f. chlorocarpum A.Braun ex Döll (1843:413)
- Syntypes: A. Braun s.n., A. Braun & J.C. Döll s.n., J.C. Döll s.n.
- No original material located (Särkinen et al., 2018).
- Syntypes: A. Braun s.n., A. Braun & J.C. Döll s.n., J.C. Döll s.n.
- Solanum guineense var. nepalense Dunal (1852:49)
- Lectotype: Herb. Requien s.n. (AV)
- Designated by Särkinen et al. (2018).
- Località tipo: Cultivated in the Avignon Botanic Garden, from eastern Nepal
- Lectotype: Herb. Requien s.n. (AV)
- Solanum pterocaulum var. deppei Dunal (1852:52, "pterocaulon"; S. pterocaulum = S. scabrum
)- Neotype: s.c. s.n. ["Solanum deppei. In hortis bot. cultum"] (MPU310704, MPU)
- Designated by Särkinen et al. (2018).
- Località tipo: Cultivated in France at Montpellier
- Neotype: s.c. s.n. ["Solanum deppei. In hortis bot. cultum"] (MPU310704, MPU)
- Solanum paludosum Dunal (1852:57)
- Solanum nigrum f. paludosum (Dunal) Miq. (1856:637)
- Holotype: N. Wallich 402 (G00144525, G-DC)
- Località tipo: Myanmar
- Solanum roxburghii Dunal (1852:57)
- Lectotype: Wight, Icones plantarum Indiae Orientalis 2:t. 344. 1843
- Epitype: R. Wight s.n. [herb. Wight 2326] (E00718973, E)
- Both designated by Särkinen et al. (2018), see that publication for a more detailed discussion of issues related to this name and the materials connected with it.
- Località tipo: Eastern India
- Solanum memphiticum Mart. var. repandum Dunal (1852:47; S. memphiticum Mart. = S. scabrum
) - Solanum cechicum Opiz (1854:94)
- Type: P.M. Opiz s.n.
- No original material located (Särkinen et al., 2018).
- Località tipo: Czech Republic. Near Prague.
- Type: P.M. Opiz s.n.
- Solanum nigrum f. judaicum Miq. (1856:637), regarding authorship, see Särkinen et al. (2018).
- Lectotype: C.L. Blume s.n. (L2880952, L)
- Designated by Särkinen et al. (2018).
- Località tipo: Indonesia. Java. "Buitenzorg" [i.e. Bogor]
- Lectotype: C.L. Blume s.n. (L2880952, L)
- Solanum hirsutum Kit. ex Kanitz (1863:440) nom. illeg. non S. hirsutum (Vahl) Dunal (≡ Solanum memphiticum J.F.Gmel.)
- Solanum acutifolium Kit. ex Kanitz (1863:440) nom. illeg. non S. hirsutum Ruiz & Pav. (≡ Lycianthes acutifolia (Ruiz & Pavon) Bitter)
- Lectotype: P. Kitaibel s.n. (Herb. Kit. fasc. IX No. 103, BP)
- Designated by Särkinen et al. (2018). These two names were published as alternative names.
- Località tipo: Slovakia. Árva.
- Lectotype: P. Kitaibel s.n. (Herb. Kit. fasc. IX No. 103, BP)
- Solanum nigrum var. macrocarpum Schur (1866:178)
- Neotype: F. Schur s.n. (LW00210121, LW)
- Designated by Särkinen et al. (2018). These two names were published as alternative names.
- Località tipo: Romania. Sibiu: Sibiu "In ruderalis prope Cibinium Transilv."
- Neotype: F. Schur s.n. (LW00210121, LW)
- Solanum nigrum var. glabrum Lowe (1872: 73)
- Lectotype: R.T. Lowe 16 [a] (BM000943025, BM)
- Designated by Edmonds (2012:127).
- Località tipo: Portugal. Madeira: "Mr. Gordon’s kitchen garden, the Mt."
- Lectotype: R.T. Lowe 16 [a] (BM000943025, BM)
- Solanum nigrum var. hebecaulon Lowe (1872: 73)
- Type: No material located (Särkinen et al., 2018)
- Località tipo: Portugal. Madeira: "Levada de Sta. Luzia, above Funchal"
- Solanum ganchouenense H.Lév. (1912:295)
- Solanum chenopodiifolium H.Lév. (1913:531)
- Holotype: E.E. Maire s.n. (E00284477, E)
- Località tipo: China. Yunnan: "Tong-Tchouan plaine"
- Solanum peregrinum E.P.Bicknell (1915:332)
- Holotype: E.P. Bricknell 7719 (00138955, NY)
- Isotypes: NY (00073847)
- Località tipo: United States of America. Massachusetts: Nantucket County, Nantucket street
- Solanum probstianum Polg. (in Probst, 1838:30)
- Lectotype: S. Polgár s.n. [Herb. Polg. 4051] (BP-272406, BP)
- Designated by Särkinen & al. (2018).
- Località tipo: Cultivated in Hungary at Györ, from seeds sent by R. Probst from Switzerland (Solothurn: Derendingen [Kammgarnfabrik Derendingen] in 1932)
- Lectotype: S. Polgár s.n. [Herb. Polg. 4051] (BP-272406, BP)
- Solanum pseudoflavum Pojark. (1955:338)
- Holotype: V.S. Titov 2220 (LE)
- Località tipo: Kazakhstan. "Between Vernoy Alma-Ata, Vernenskiy area, between town of Vtrnym and the station Karasukskaya, the village of Dimitrivka"
- Solanum nigrum f. pallidum Wessely (1960:311)
- Holotype: Wirtgen s.n. (W)
- Località tipo: Germany. Rhineland-Palatinate: Neuwied
- Solanum nigrum f. luridum Wessely (1960:311)
- Holotype: I. Wessely 0.23 (GFW)
- Località tipo: Germany. Saxony: Dresden," Trümmerstellen am Postplatz"
- Solanum nigrum var. incisum Täckh. & Boulos (1974:101)
- Holotype: L. Boulos s.n. (CAI000175, CAI)
- Località tipo: Egypt. Faiyum, Sinnuris
[modifica]Primary references
[modifica]- Linnaeus, C. 1753. Species Plantarum. Tomus I: 186. Reference page.
Additional references
[modifica]- Badarò, G.B. (1824) "Specchietto della clinica medica pei chirurghi, dell'anno scolastico 1823-24 compilato da alcuni allievi della medesima". Giorn. Fis. Chim. Storia Nat. Med. Arti, Dec. 2 7:338-370.
- Berchtold, F. von (1841-1843) Oekonomisch-technische Flora Böhmens. Vol. 3. Prag , Thomas Thabor. 279-512+li pp.
- Bertoloni, A. 1835. Flora Italica. Vol. 2. . Bologna: Richardi Masii.
- von Besser, W.S.J.G. (1809) Primitiae Florae Galiciae Austriacae Utriusque. Vol. 1. A. Doll, Vienna. XVIII+399 pp.
- Bicknell, E.P. (1915) "The Ferns and Flowering Plants of Nantucket—XV". Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 42(6):331–349. DOI: 10.2307/2479676.
- Blom, C. (1935) "Adventiva Solanum-arter i Sveriges flora". Acta Horti Gothob. 10:195–208.
- Blume, C.L. (1826) ["1825"] Bijdragen tot de flora van Nederlandsch Indië. 13de Stuk. pp. 637–730. Ter Lands Drukkerij, Batavia.
- D’Arcy, W.G. 1974 ["1973"]. Family 170. Solanaceae. In Woodson, R.E., Jr., Schery, R.W. & Collaborators, Flora of Panama, Part IX. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 60: 573–780. DOI: 10.2307/2395139
. BHL. Reference page.
- Desvaux, N.A. 1818. Observations sur les plantes des environs d'Angers, pour servir de supplément a la flore Maine et Loire, et de suite à l'histoire naturelle et critique des plantes de France. pp. [1]–188. Angers: Fourier-Mame; Paris: Dondey-Dipré. Gallica Reference page.
- Döll, J.C. 1843. Rheinische Flora. Beschreibung der wildwachsenden und cultivirten Pflanzen des Rheingebietes vom Bodensee bis zur Mosel und Lahn, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Grossherzogthums Baden. Frankfurt a.M., H.L. Brönner. BHL Reference page.
- Dunal, M.F. 1852. Solanaceae. In Candolle, A.L.P.P. de (ed.) Prodromus systematis naturalis regni vegetabilis 13(1): 1–690. V. Masson, Paris. BHL. Reference page.
- Edmonds, J.M. (2012) Flora of Tropical East Africa: Solanaceae. Ed. Beentje, H. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. ISBN 978-1-84246-395-6. Reference page.
- Hegetschweiler, J.J. 1838–1840. Flora der Schweiz. Zürich, F. Schulthess. BHL. Reference page.
- Henderson, R.J.F. (1974) Solanum nigrum L. (Solanaceae) and Related Species in Australia. Contr. Queensland Herb. 16. Toowong: Queensland Herbarium.
- Kanitz, A. (1863) "Pauli Kitaibelii Additamenta ad Floram Hungaricam". Linnaea 32:305–641.
- Léveillé, H. (1912) "Decades plantarum novarum. XCIII–C". Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 11(16–20):295–307. DOI: 10.1002/fedr.19120111613
- Léveillé, H. (1913) "Decades plantarum novarum. CXXVII–CXXXI". Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 12(33–36):531–538. DOI: 10.1002/fedr.19120111613
- Lowe, R.T. 1872. Manual Flora of Madeira and the Adjacent Islands of Porto Santo and the Desertas. Vol. 2 (part 1). John van Voorst, London. 113 pp. Biblioteca Digital Reference page.
- Meyer G. F. W. (1836) Chloris Hanoverana. Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, Göttingen. VIII+VI+744 pp.
- Miquel, F.A.W. 1856–1859. Flora van Nederlandsch Indie. vol. 2 No. IX + 1103 pp. C. G. van der Post, Amsterdam BHL. Reference page.
- Opiz, P.M. (1854) "Nachtrag zu meinem Seznam rostlin kveteny ceske". Lotos. Z. Naturwiss. 4:94-95.
- Pojarkova, A.I. (1955) "Species novae generis Solanum L. ex URSS". Bot. Mater. Gerb. Bot. Inst. Komarova Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R. 17:328–340.
- Presl, J. & Presl, C. (1822) Deliciae Pragenses, Historiam Naturalem Spectantes. Calve, Prague. 244 pp. DOI: 10.5962/bhl.title.46467
- Rafinesque, C.S. 1840. Autikon Botanikon. Philadelphia. XV + 200 pp. DOI: 10.5962/bhl.title.18180
. Reference page.
- Probst, R. (1938) "Sechster Beitrag zur Adventivflora von Solothurn und Umgebung mit Berücksichtigung der Adventiflora von Olten bis Aarau". Mitteil. Naturfor. Gesellsch. Solothurn 12:3–39.
- Rouy, G. (1908) Flore de France ou description des plantes qui croissent spontanément en France, Corse et en Alsace-Lorraine. Vol 10. Deyrolles, Paris. 404 pp.
- Salisbury, R.A. 1796. Prodromus stirpium in horto ad Chapel Allerton vigentium. VIII + 422 pp. Londini [London]. BHL Reference page.
- Särkinen, T., Poczai, P., Barboza, G.E., van der Weerden, G.M., Baden, M. & Knapp, S. 2018. A revision of the Old World Black Nightshades (Morelloid clade of Solanum L., Solanaceae). PhytoKeys 106: 1–223. DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.106.21991 Reference page.
- Schinz, H & Thellung, A. (1914) Die Flora der Schweiz - Kritische Flora, 3d ed. Albert Raustein, Zürich. XVIII+582 pp.
- Schur, P.J.F. 1866. Enumeratio Plantarum Transsilvaniae exhibens stirpes phanerogamas sponte crescentes atque frequentius cultas, cryptogamas vasculares, charceas, etiam muscos hepaticasque. Wilhelm Braumüller, Vindobonae [Vienna]. XVIII + 984 pp. BHLReference page.
- Spenner, F.C.L. (1825-1829) Flora Friburgensis et regionum proxime adjacentium. 3 vols. Wagner, Friburgi Brisgoviae.
- Sprengel, C. 1824 ('1825'). Caroli Linnaei, ... Systema vegetabilium. Ed. 16. Vol. I: Classis 1–5. 992 pp. Sumtibus Librariae Dieterichianae, Gottingae [Göttingen]. BHL Reference page.
- Täckholm, V. & Boulos, L. (1974)["1972"] "Supplementary notes to Students' Flora of Egypt". Publ. Cairo Univ. Herb. 5. 135 pp.
- Wessely, I. (1960) "Die mitteleuropäischen Sippen der Gattung Solanum Sektion Morella". Feddes Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 63:290–321.
Nomi comuni
[modifica]Afrikaans: Nastergal
العربية: عنب الذئب
azərbaycanca: Qara quşüzümü
башҡортса: Ҡара эт ҡарағаты
বাংলা: কাকমাচি
català: Morella vera
corsu: Cinnerone
čeština: Lilek černý
чӑвашла: Йыт çырли
Cymraeg: Codwarth Du
dansk: Sort Natskygge
Deutsch: Schwarzer Nachtschatten
dolnoserbski: Carna ronica
Ελληνικά: Στύφνο
English: Black Nightshade
español: Hierba mora
eesti: Must maavits
euskara: Mairu-belar
فارسی: تاجریزی
suomi: Mustakoiso
Nordfriisk: Hünjbei
français: Morelle noire
हिन्दी: मकोय
hornjoserbsce: Čorne wrónidło
Kreyòl ayisyen: Agoman
magyar: Fekete csucsor, fekete ebszőlő, kutyabogyó
Bahasa Indonesia: Ranti
italiano: Morella comune
日本語: イヌホオズキ
ಕನ್ನಡ: ಕಾಕಮಾಚಿ-ಕಾಗೆ ಗಿಡ
한국어: 까마중
lietuvių: Juodoji kiauliauogė
македонски: Црн зрнец
മലയാളം: മണിത്തക്കാളി
Bahasa Melayu: Beliwan
नेपाली: कबाई
Nederlands: Zwarte Nachtschade
norsk: Svartsøtvier
occitan: Tua-chen
ਪੰਜਾਬੀ: ਮਕੋ
polski: Psianka czarna
پنجابی: میکو
português: Erva-moura, Erva de Santa Maria
Runa Simi: Q'aya-q'aya
русский: Паслён чёрный
srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски: Pomoćnica
slovenčina: ľuľok čierny
slovenščina: Lulok čierny
српски / srpski: Помоћница
Seeltersk: Fuulbäie
Sunda: Leunca
svenska: Nattskatta
Kiswahili: Mnavu
தமிழ்: மணத்தக்காளி
తెలుగు: కామంచి
ไทย: มะแว้งนก
Türkçe: Köpek üzümü
українська: Чорний паслін
中文(简体): 龙葵
中文(繁體): 龍葵
中文(臺灣): 龍葵
中文: 龙葵
العربية: عنب الذئب
azərbaycanca: Qara quşüzümü
башҡортса: Ҡара эт ҡарағаты
বাংলা: কাকমাচি
català: Morella vera
corsu: Cinnerone
čeština: Lilek černý
чӑвашла: Йыт çырли
Cymraeg: Codwarth Du
dansk: Sort Natskygge
Deutsch: Schwarzer Nachtschatten
dolnoserbski: Carna ronica
Ελληνικά: Στύφνο
English: Black Nightshade
español: Hierba mora
eesti: Must maavits
euskara: Mairu-belar
فارسی: تاجریزی
suomi: Mustakoiso
Nordfriisk: Hünjbei
français: Morelle noire
हिन्दी: मकोय
hornjoserbsce: Čorne wrónidło
Kreyòl ayisyen: Agoman
magyar: Fekete csucsor, fekete ebszőlő, kutyabogyó
Bahasa Indonesia: Ranti
italiano: Morella comune
日本語: イヌホオズキ
ಕನ್ನಡ: ಕಾಕಮಾಚಿ-ಕಾಗೆ ಗಿಡ
한국어: 까마중
lietuvių: Juodoji kiauliauogė
македонски: Црн зрнец
മലയാളം: മണിത്തക്കാളി
Bahasa Melayu: Beliwan
नेपाली: कबाई
Nederlands: Zwarte Nachtschade
norsk: Svartsøtvier
occitan: Tua-chen
ਪੰਜਾਬੀ: ਮਕੋ
polski: Psianka czarna
پنجابی: میکو
português: Erva-moura, Erva de Santa Maria
Runa Simi: Q'aya-q'aya
русский: Паслён чёрный
srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски: Pomoćnica
slovenčina: ľuľok čierny
slovenščina: Lulok čierny
српски / srpski: Помоћница
Seeltersk: Fuulbäie
Sunda: Leunca
svenska: Nattskatta
Kiswahili: Mnavu
தமிழ்: மணத்தக்காளி
తెలుగు: కామంచి
ไทย: มะแว้งนก
Türkçe: Köpek üzümü
українська: Чорний паслін
中文(简体): 龙葵
中文(繁體): 龍葵
中文(臺灣): 龍葵
中文: 龙葵