Scillaelepas carinata
(Redirected from Scillaelepas grimaldii)
[edit]Taxonavigation: Calanticomorpha |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Calanticidae
Subfamilia: Scillaelepadinae
Genus: Scillaelepas
Species: Scillaelepas carinata
[edit]- Scillaelepas carinata (Philippi, 1835): 512
- Original genus: Pollicipes
- Stratigraphic and geographic range: Pleistocene (Calabrian), central Mediterranean; Recent, circum-Atlantic
- Type locality: Tertiary, Messina, Sicily
- Typus: Lectotype scutum figured in Philippi, Pl. 4, fig. 4, by Withers, 1953: 158; lost
- ZooBank: 5796D658-C548-46EA-BFE6-E01066D70ACA
[edit]- Scillaelepas brasiliensis Young, 1999: 615
- Type locality: TAAF MD55/Brazil 1987, stn 29 DC49, 20°43'S, 31°56'W, 944-945 m
- Typus: Holotype right scutum MNRJ 11383; paratypes 2 right 1 left scuta MNHN-Ci 2808, 1 left tergum, 1 carina, 1 rostrum MNRJ 11384
- Synonymized in Gale, Rosso & Vertino, 2021, as having no essential differences from S. carinata
- ZooBank: CB52E407-8A48-4A17-8AFB-A6771E3B9442
- Scillaelepas gemma (Aurivillius, 1892): 126
- Original genus: Scalpellum
- Type locality: Eismeere, East Greenland, 1000 fathoms
- Typus: Natural History Museum, Stockholm SMNH
- Synonymized in Gale, Rosso & Vertino, 2021, as having no essential differences from S. carinata
- ZooBank: 7CCE60D5-AA98-4EB2-92AF-4E77D4D4B271
- Scillaelepas grimaldii (Aurivillius, 1898): 192
- Type locality: campagnes scientifiques de SAS le Prince de Monaco, Station 584, 843 m
- Types: Oceanographic Museum, Monaco
- Synonymized in Gale, Rosso & Vertino, 2021, as having no essential differences from S. carinata
- ZooBank: 4862E379-2F56-436E-8F2C-BAE6E364602A
- Scillaelepas superba (Pilsbry, 1907): 11
- Type locality: Albatross station 2669, 31°9'N, 79°33'30"W, between Bahamas and Cape Fear, 352 fathoms
- Typus: type USNM 11225; paratype USNM 173132
- Synonymized in Gale, Rosso & Vertino, 2021, as having no essential differences from S. carinata
- ZooBank: 2DDE9381-91E2-4454-8813-AC07C65EE0FA
[edit]- Philippi, R.A. 1835. Beschreibung einer neuen Art Pollicipes. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie 1835: 512-515, pl. 4, figs 3-9. BHL [In German] Reference page. [See p. 512, original description as Pollicipes carinatus]
- Aurivillius, C.W.S. 1892: Neue Cirripeden aus dem Atlantishchen, Indischen und Stillen Ocean. Öfversigt Kongliga veten-skaps-akademiens förhandlingar, 49(3): 123–134. BHL Reference page. [See p. 126, as Scalpellum gemma, and 192, as Scalpellum grimaldii junior synonyms]
- Gale, A.S., Rosso, A. & Vertino, A. 2021. Cirripedes (Crustacea, Thoracica) from the Plio-Pleistocene of Sicily (Italy) and a review of the history of Mediterranean Cainozoic cirripedes. Cainozoic Research 21(1)ː 3–73.
Reference page. [See p. 11, synonyms, discussion, geologic and geographic range]
- Pilsbry, H.A. 1907: The barnacles (Cirripedia) contained in the collections of the U.S. National Museum. Bulletin -- United States National Museum 60: 1–122. BHL Reference page. [See p. 11, as Scalpellum (Calantica) superbum, section Scillaelepas, junior synonym]
- Young, P.S. 1999: The Cirripedia (Crustacea) collected by the R. V. Marion Drufesne along the Vitoria-Trindade seamounts (Brazil). Zoosystema, 21(4): 607-624. Full article (PDF) Reference page. [See p. 615, as Scillaelepas brasiliensis, junior synonym]