Virgiscalpellum darwinianum
(Redirected from Scalpellum darwinianum)
[edit]Taxonavigation: Scalpelliformes |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Scalpellidae
Subfamilia: †Virgiscalpellinae
Genus: †Virgiscalpellum
†Species: Virgiscalpellum darwinianum
[edit]- Virgiscalpellum darwinianum (Bosquet, 1854): 36
- Original genus: Scalpellum
- Geological age: Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)
- Type locality: St. Pierre, Holland
- Types: Lectotype scutum Pl. iv, fig. 7 (Bosquet), by Withers, 1935: 288
- Distribution: Holland, Belgium
- ZooBank: C0E97581-AB64-4C77-86D3-6942C3099FEA
[edit]- Scalpellum pulchellum Bosquet, 1854: 34
- Junior subjective synonym (Withers, 1935): 289
- ZooBank: 887CD9BC-1BA0-4CF4-9E7E-C2BDB01BBE1B
[edit]- Bosquet, J. 1854: Les crustacés fossiles du terrain crétacé du Limbourg. Verhandelingen uitgegeven door de Commissie belast met het vervaardigen eener geologische beschrijving en kaart van Nederland, 2. A.C. Krusemann, Haarlem. pp. 1-127. BHL Reference page. [See p. 36, as Scalpellum darwinianum, original description, and p. 34, as Scalpellum pulchellum]
- Darwin, C. 1854. A monograph on the sub-class Cirripedia with figures of all species. Vol. 2: The Balanidae, The Verrucidae. BHL London: Ray Society. Reference page. [See p. 631, mention]
- Gale, A.S. 2020. New thoracican cirripedes (Crustacea) from the Cretaceous of Europe and North Africa. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen 295(3): 243–282. DOI: 10.1127/njgpa/2020/0886
Reference page. [See p. 259, list of accepted species]
- Withers, T.H. 1935: Catalog of fossil Cirripedia in the Department of Geology of the British Museum. Vol. 2, Cretaceous. London, British Museum, 433 p. Reference page. [See p. 288, as Scalpellum (Virgiscalpellum) darwinianum]
- Withers, T.H. 1945: New Cretaceous Cirripedes and Crab. Annals and magazine of natural history, series 11 12(92): 552-561. DOI: 10.1080/00222934508654759 Reference page. [See for elevation to full genus, as Virgiscalpellum darwinianum]