Sargassum polyphyllum

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Sargassum polyphyllum


Taxonavigation: Fucales 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Chromista
Subregnum: Harosa
Infraregnum: Heterokonta
Phylum: Ochrophyta
Subphylum: Phaeista
Infraphylum: Limnista
Superclassis: Fucistia
Classis: Phaeophyceae
Subclassis: Fucophycidae
Ordo: Fucales

Familia: Sargassaceae
Genus: Sargassum
Species: Sargassum polyphyllum



Sargassum polyphyllum J.Agardh, 1848: 308

  • Type locality: Hawaiian Islands (as Sandwich Islands).
  • Holotype: LD, Hb. Ag.; 02935. According to Magruder (1988: 80), a lectotype needs to be selected from J.G. Agardh's specimens.


  • Heterotypic
  • Sargassum densum Dickie, 1877: 453 (as 'S. densum, n. sp. ?')
  • Sargassum incisum Dickie 1877: 453 (as 'Sargassum incisum, n. sp. ?')
  • Sargassum polyphyllum var. fissifolium Grunow, 1886
  • Sargassum polyphyllum var. densa Grunow, 1916
  • Sargassum polyphyllum var. horridula (Grunow) Grunow, 1916



Primary references

Wikimedia Commons For more multimedia, look at Sargassum polyphyllum on Wikimedia Commons.