Rhizocarpon cookeanum

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Taxonavigation: Rhizocarpales 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Fungi
Subregnum: Dikarya
Divisio: Ascomycota
Subdivisio: Pezizomycotina
Classis: Lecanoromycetes
Subclassis: Lecanoromycetidae
Ordo: Rhizocarpales

Familia: Rhizocarpaceae
Genus: Rhizocarpon
Species: Rhizocarpon cookeanum



Rhizocarpon cookeanum H.Magn., 1956


  • H. Magn. ex Runem. in Opera Bot. Soc. Bot. Lund, II, no. 1 (1956) p. 87, no. 2 (1956) p. 103; cum icon.   (U.S.A., saxicola)
  • Runemark, H. (1956) Studies in Rhizocarpon. I. Taxonomy of the yellow species in Europe. Opera Bot. 2, 1: 1–152.   (RLL List # 22 / Rec. # 16015 - Recent Literature on Lichens) (Rhizocarpon cookeanum: p. 87)
  • Runemark, H. (1956) Studies in Rhizocarpon. II. Distribution and ecology of the yellow species in Europe. Opera Bot. 2, 2: 1–150.   (RLL List # 22 / Rec. # 16016 - Recent Literature on Lichens) (Rhizocarpon cookeanum: p. 103)

Vernacular names

English: Cooke's map lichen