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Rhizocarpon bolanderi

From Wikispecies


Taxonavigation: Rhizocarpales 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Fungi
Subregnum: Dikarya
Divisio: Ascomycota
Subdivisio: Pezizomycotina
Classis: Lecanoromycetes
Subclassis: Lecanoromycetidae
Ordo: Rhizocarpales

Familia: Rhizocarpaceae
Genus: Rhizocarpon
Species: Rhizocarpon bolanderi



Rhizocarpon bolanderi (Tuck.) Herre, 1910

Basionym: Buellia bolanderi Tuck., 1888


  • Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci. 12: 106 (1910)
  • Herre, A.W.C.T. (1910) The lichen flora of the Santa Cruz Peninsula, California. Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Sciences\Proc. Washingt. Ac. Sc. 12: 27–269.   (Mattick Rec.# 21371 - Literature on Lichens) (PDF file)
  • Feuerer, T. and Timdal, E. (2004) Rhizocarpon, pp. 456-466. In T.H. Nash III, B.D. Ryan, P. Diederich, C. Gries & F. Bungartz (eds.), Lichen Flora of the Greater Sonoran Desert Region, Vol. 2. Lichens Unlimited, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, 742 pages.   (RLL List # 196 / Rec. # 25952 - Recent Literature on Lichens) (Rhizocarpon bolanderi: p. 458)
  • Thomson, J.W. (1997) Rhizocarpon (pp. 518-553). In American Arctic Lichens: 2. The Microlichens. The University of Wisconsin Press, 675 pages.   (RLL List # 170 / Rec. # 18517 - Recent Literature on Lichens) (Rhizocarpon bolanderi, description: p. 525; photo & map: p. 526)
  • The Lichen Herbarium, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo, Norway (Photo Gallery) - Rhizocarpon bolanderi

Vernacular names

English: Bolander's map lichen