Potentilla alba

[edit]Taxonavigation: Rosales |
Classification System: APG IV
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Rosaceae
Subfamilia: Rosoideae
Tribus: Potentilleae
Subtribus: Potentillinae
Genus: Potentilla
Species: Potentilla alba
[edit]Potentilla alba L.
[edit]- Homotypic
- Heterotypic
- Potentilla cordata Schrank
- Potentilla nitida Scop. (nom. inval., non L (1756))
- Trichothalamus albus Fourr.
[edit]- Linnaeus, C. 1753. Species Plantarum. Tomus I: 498. Reference page.
[edit]- International Plant Names Index. 2017. Potentilla alba. Published online. Accessed: Sep 29 2017. Reference page.
- The Plant List 2013. Potentilla alba in The Plant List Version 1.1. Published online. Accessed: 2017 Sep 29.
- Tropicos.org 2017. Potentilla alba. Missouri Botanical Garden. Published online. Accessed: 29 Sep 2017.
Vernacular names
[edit]azərbaycanca: Ağ qaytarma
čeština: Mochna bílá
Deutsch: Weißes Fingerkraut
English: White Cinquefoil
suomi: Sveitsinhanhikki
français: Potentille blanche
hornjoserbsce: Běły porstnik
polski: Pięciornik biały
русский: Лапчатка белая
slovenčina: Nátržník biely
svenska: Vit fingerört
Türkçe: Beyaz beşparmak otu
українська: Перстач білий
čeština: Mochna bílá
Deutsch: Weißes Fingerkraut
English: White Cinquefoil
suomi: Sveitsinhanhikki
français: Potentille blanche
hornjoserbsce: Běły porstnik
polski: Pięciornik biały
русский: Лапчатка белая
slovenčina: Nátržník biely
svenska: Vit fingerört
Türkçe: Beyaz beşparmak otu
українська: Перстач білий