Neomaso abnormis

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Taxonavigation: Araneoidea 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Cladus: Unikonta
Cladus: Opisthokonta
Cladus: Holozoa
Regnum: Animalia
Subregnum: Eumetazoa
Cladus: Bilateria
Cladus: Nephrozoa
Cladus: Protostomia
Cladus: Ecdysozoa
Cladus: Panarthropoda
Phylum: Arthropoda
Subphylum: Chelicerata
Classis: Arachnida
Ordo: Araneae
Subordo: Opisthothelae
Infraordo: Araneomorphae
Taxon: Neocribellatae
Series: Entelegynae
Superfamilia: Araneoidea

Familia: Linyphiidae
Subfamilia: Erigoninae
Genus: Neomaso
Species: Neomaso abnormis



Neomaso abnormis Millidge, 1991

Type locality: Las Trancas, 19.5 km east-south-east of Recinto, Nuble, Chile, ex berlese sample of forest leaf and log liter in Nothofagus forest, 1250m.

Holotype: AMNH. male ♂. 10.II.1982-03.I.1983. legit A. Newton and M. Thayer.



Primary references
