Morus alba

[edit]Taxonavigation: Rosales |
Classification System: APG IV
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Moraceae
Tribus: Moreae
Genus: Morus
Species: Morus alba
[edit]Morus alba L., Sp. Pl.: 986 (1753).
[edit]- Heterotypic
- Morus alba var. arabica Bureau in Candolle, Prodr. 17: 244 (1873)
- Morus alba var. atropurpurea (Roxb.) Bureau in Candolle, Prodr. 17: 238 (1873)
- Morus alba var. chartacea Risso in Hist. Nat. Prod. Eur. Mérid. 2: 245 (1826)
- Morus alba var. colombassa Ser. in Descr. Mûriers: 206 (1855)
- Morus alba subvar. colombassa (Ser.) Bureau in Candolle, Prodr. 17: 239 (1873)
- Morus alba var. columbassetta Ser. in Descr. Mûriers: 207 (1855)
- Morus alba subvar. columbassetta (Ser.) Bureau in Candolle, Prodr. 17: 239 (1873)
- Morus alba var. constantinopolitana (Poir.) Moretti in Giorn. Imp. Reale Ist. Lombardo Sci. & Bibliot. Ital. 1: 99 (1841)
- Morus alba var. elongata Risso in Hist. Nat. Prod. Eur. Mérid. 2: 246 (1826)
- Morus alba var. emarginata Y.B.Wu in Acta Bot. Yunnan. 16: 120 (1994)
- Morus alba var. erecta Risso in Hist. Nat. Prod. Eur. Mérid. 2: 244 (1826)
- Morus alba var. fibrosa Ser. in Descr. Mûriers: 212 (1855)
- Morus alba var. hispanica Risso in Hist. Nat. Prod. Eur. Mérid. 2: 243 (1826)
- Morus alba var. integrifolia K.Koch in Linnaea 22: 603 (1849), nom. nud.
- Morus alba var. italica (Poir.) Moretti in Giorn. Imp. Reale Ist. Lombardo Sci. & Bibliot. Ital. 1: 99 (1841)
- Morus alba var. laciniata G.Kirchn. in E.A.Petzold & G.Kirchner, Arbor. Muscav.: 543 (1864)
- Morus alba var. laciniata Beissn. in Mitt. Deutsch. Dendrol. Ges. 12: 127 (1903), nom. illeg.
- Morus alba var. lhou Ser. in Descr. Mûriers: 208 (1855)
- Morus alba subvar. macrophylla (Moretti) Bureau in Candolle, Prodr. 17: 239 (1873)
- Morus alba f. macrophylla (Moretti) C.K.Schneid. in Ill. Handb. Laubholzk. 1: 238 (1904)
- Morus alba var. macrophylla (Moretti) Moretti in Giorn. Imp. Reale Ist. Lombardo Sci. & Bibliot. Ital. 1: 98 (1841)
- Morus alba var. meridionalis Risso in Hist. Nat. Prod. Eur. Mérid. 2: 243 (1826)
- Morus alba var. morettii Ser. in Descr. Mûriers: 203 (1855)
- Morus alba var. multicaulis (Perr.) Loudon in Arbor. Frutic. Brit. 3: 1348 (1838)
- Morus alba var. nana Ser. in Descr. Mûriers: 212 (1855)
- Morus alba var. nervosa (Loudon) Moretti in Giorn. Imp. Reale Ist. Lombardo Sci. & Bibliot. Ital. 1: 99 (1841)
- Morus alba var. nigriformis Bureau in Candolle, Prodr. 17: 242 (1873)
- Morus alba f. nigrobacca Moldenke in Castanea 9: 51 (1944)
- Morus alba var. nodosa Risso in Hist. Nat. Prod. Eur. Mérid. 2: 245 (1826)
- Morus alba var. nodulosa Risso in Hist. Nat. Prod. Eur. Mérid. 2: 246 (1826)
- Morus alba var. papyracea Risso in Hist. Nat. Prod. Eur. Mérid. 2: 245 (1826)
- Morus alba var. parvifolia Risso in Hist. Nat. Prod. Eur. Mérid. 2: 244 (1826)
- Morus alba var. pendula Risso in Hist. Nat. Prod. Eur. Mérid. 2: 244 (1826)
- Morus alba f. pendula (Risso) Dippel in Handb. Laubholzk. 2: 8 (1892)
- Morus alba pendula (Risso) Sudw. in Bull. Div. Forest. U.S.D.A. 14: 189 (1897)
- Morus alba subvar. pumila (Balb.) Bureau in Candolle, Prodr. 17: 241 (1873)
- Morus alba var. pumila (Balb.) Moretti in Giorn. Imp. Reale Ist. Lombardo Sci. & Bibliot. Ital. 1: 99 (1841)
- Morus alba var. pyramidalis Ser. in Descr. Mûriers: 212 (1855)
- Morus alba f. pyramidalis (Ser.) Rehder in Bibliogr. Cult. Trees: 147 (1949)
- Morus alba subvar. rebalaira Bureau in Candolle, Prodr. 17: 239 (1873)
- Morus alba subvar. romana (Loudon) Bureau in Candolle, Prodr. 17: 239 (1873)
- Morus alba var. romana Loudon in Arbor. Frutic. Brit. 3: 1349 (1838)
- Morus alba subvar. rosea (Ser.) Bureau in Candolle, Prodr. 17: 239 (1873)
- Morus alba var. rosea Ser. in Descr. Mûriers: 203 (1855)
- Morus alba var. skeletoniana C.K.Schneid. in Ill. Handb. Laubholzk. 1: 237 (1904)
- Morus alba f. skeletoniana (C.K.Schneid.) Rehder in Bibliogr. Cult. Trees: 147 (1949)
- Morus alba subvar. tatarica (L.) Bureau in Candolle, Prodr. 17: 240 (1873)
- Morus alba f. tatarica (L.) C.K.Schneid. in Ill. Handb. Laubholzk. 1: 238 (1904)
- Morus alba var. tatarica (L.) Loudon in Arbor. Frutic. Brit. 3: 1358 (1838)
- Morus alba var. tenuifolia Ser. in Descr. Mûriers: 198 (1855)
- Morus alba subvar. tenuifolia (Ser.) Bureau in Candolle, Prodr. 17: 239 (1873)
- Morus alba subvar. tokwa Bureau in Candolle, Prodr. 17: 240 (1873)
- Morus alba f. venosa (Delile) Schelle in L.Beissner, E.Schelle & H.Zabel, Handb. Laubholzben.: 91 (1903)
- Morus alba var. venosa Delile in Bull. Soc. Centr. Agric. Dép. Hérault 13: 328 (1826)
- Morus alba var. vulgaris Risso in Hist. Nat. Prod. Eur. Mérid. 2: 242 (1826)
- Morus alba var. vungeana Bureau in Candolle, Prodr. 17: 241 (1873)
- Morus alpina Raf. in Amer. Man. Mulberry Trees: 91 (1839), nom. nud.
- Morus arabica (Bureau) Koidz. in Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 31: 35 (1917)
- Morus atropurpurea Roxb. in Fl. Ind., ed. 1832. 3: 595 (1832)
- Morus bullata Balb. ex Loudon in Arbor. Frutic. Brit. 3: 1348 (1838), not validly publ.
- Morus byzantina Sieber ex Steud. in Nomencl. Bot., ed. 2, 2: 162 (1841), not validly publ.
- Morus chinensis Lodd. ex Loudon in Arbor. Frutic. Brit. 3: 1350 (1838)
- Morus colombassa Dippel in Handb. Laubholzk. 2: 10 (1892), not validly publ.
- Morus constantinopolitana Poir. in Lamarck, Encycl. 4: 381 (1797)
- Morus cucullata Bonaf. in Sul. Gels. Philipp.: 7 (1831)
- Morus dulcis Royle in Ill. Bot. Himal. Mts.: 337 (1839)
- Morus fastigiata Dippel in Handb. Laubholzk. 2: 10 (1892), not validly publ.
- Morus furcata Steud. in Nomencl. Bot., ed. 2, 2: 162 (1841), not validly publ.
- Morus guzziola Steud. in Nomencl. Bot., ed. 2, 2: 162 (1841)
- Morus heterophylla Loudon in Arbor. Frutic. Brit. 3: 1361 (1838)
- Morus hispanica Loudon in Arbor. Frutic. Brit. 3: 1349 (1838), not validly publ.
- Morus intermedia Perr. in Arch. Bot. (Paris) 1: 234 (1833)
- Morus italica Poir. in Lamarck, Encycl. 4: 377 (1797)
- Morus kaki Lavallée in Énum. Arbres: 240 (1877)
- Morus levasseurei Lavallée in Énum. Arbres: 240 (1877)
- Morus lhou (Ser.) Koidz. in Fl. Symb. Orient.-Asiat.: 54 (1930)
- Morus lucida Loudon in Arbor. Frutic. Brit. 3: 1350 (1838)
- Morus macrophylla Moretti in Index Seminum (PAV, Ticinensis) 1829: [2] (1829)
- Morus mariettii Steud. in Nomencl. Bot., ed. 2, 2: 162 (1841)
- Morus membranacea Steud. in Nomencl. Bot., ed. 2, 2: 162 (1841), not validly publ.
- Morus morettiana Lodd. ex Loudon in Arbor. Frutic. Brit. 3: 1349 (1838), not validly publ.
- Morus morettii Audib. ex Bureau in Candolle, Prodr. 17: 239 (1873), not validly publ.
- Morus multicaulis Perr. in Mém. Soc. Linn. Paris 3: 129 (1825)
- Morus multicaulis var. cucullata Ser. in Descr. Mûriers: 219 (1855)
- Morus multicaulis var. planifolia Ser. in Descr. Mûriers: 219 (1855)
- Morus nana Audib. ex Loisel. in G.-F.Cuvier, Dict. Sci. Nat., ed. 2. 33: 345 (1824)
- Morus nervosa Loudon in Arbor. Frutic. Brit. 3: 1349 (1838)
- Morus nigriformis (Bureau) Koidz. in Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 31: 35 (1917)
- Morus patavia Audib. ex Dippel in Handb. Laubholzk. 2: 10 (1892)
- Morus patavina Spach in Hist. Nat. Vég. 11: 43 (1841)
- Morus pumila Balb. in Cat. Pl., ed. 1813: 52 (1813)
- Morus romana Lodd. ex Spach in Hist. Nat. Vég. 11: 45 (1841)
- Morus serotina Mart. ex Bureau in Candolle, Prodr. 17: 239 (1873), not validly publ.
- Morus sinensis G.Don in J.C.Loudon, Hort. Brit.: 378 (1830)
- Morus subalba Steud. in Nomencl. Bot., ed. 2, 2: 162 (1841), not validly publ.
- Morus tatarica L. in Sp. Pl.: 986 (1753)
- Morus tokwa (Bureau) K.Koch in Dendrologie 2(1): 447 (1872)
- Morus tortuosa Audib. ex Moretti in Giorn. Imp. Reale Ist. Lombardo Sci. & Bibliot. Ital. 1: 99 (1841), pro syn.
- Morus venassainii Steud. in Nomencl. Bot., ed. 2, 2: 162 (1841), not validly publ.
- Morus venosa (Delile) Spach in Hist. Nat. Vég. 11: 43 (1841)
[edit]Native distribution areas: |
References: Brummitt, R.K. 2001. TDWG – World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions, 2nd Edition |
[edit]Primary references
[edit]- Linnaeus, C. 1753. Species Plantarum. Tomus II: 986. Reference page.
Additional references
[edit]- Wu, Zh.Y. & Raven, P.H. (eds.) 2003. Flora of China. Volume 5: Ulmaceae through Basellaceae. Science Press, Beijing & Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis, ISBN 1-930723-27-X. Reference page.
[edit]- Hassler, M. 2021. Morus alba. World Plants: Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World In: Roskovh, Y., Abucay, L., Orrell, T., Nicolson, D., Bailly, N., Kirk, P., Bourgoin, T., DeWalt, R.E., Decock, W., De Wever, A., Nieukerken, E. van, Zarucchi, J. & Penev, L., eds. 2021. Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life. Published online. Accessed: 2021 November 13. Reference page.
- Govaerts, R. et al. 2021. Morus alba in Kew Science Plants of the World Online. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Published online. Accessed: 2021 November 13. Reference page.
- International Plant Names Index. 2021. Morus alba. Published online. Accessed: 13 November 2021. Reference page.
Vernacular names
[edit]aragonés: Morera blanca
беларуская: Шаўкоўніца белая
български: Бяла черница
Deutsch: Weiße Maulbeere
English: White Mulberry
español: Morera blanca
suomi: Valkomulperi
français: Mûrier blanc
galego: Moreira branca
italiano: Gelso
한국어: 뽕나무
latviešu: Baltais zīdkoks
Nederlands: Witte moerbei
norsk: Hvitmorbær
português: Amoreira branca
русский: Шелковица белая
Türkçe: Ak dut
Tiếng Việt: Dâu trắng
беларуская: Шаўкоўніца белая
български: Бяла черница
Deutsch: Weiße Maulbeere
English: White Mulberry
español: Morera blanca
suomi: Valkomulperi
français: Mûrier blanc
galego: Moreira branca
italiano: Gelso
한국어: 뽕나무
latviešu: Baltais zīdkoks
Nederlands: Witte moerbei
norsk: Hvitmorbær
português: Amoreira branca
русский: Шелковица белая
Türkçe: Ak dut
Tiếng Việt: Dâu trắng