Merops oreobates

[edit]Familia: Meropidae
Genus: Merops
Species: Merops oreobates
[edit]Merops oreobates (Sharpe, 1892)
[edit]Primary references
[edit]- Sharpe, R.B. 1892. On the birds collected by Mr. F. J. Jackson, F.Z.S., during his recent expedition to Uganda through the Territory of the Imperial British East-African Company. - Part IV. Ibis [34(2) =] (ser. 6) 4: 299–322. BHL DOI: 10.1111/j.1474-919X.1892.tb00303.x Reference page.
Vernacular names
[edit]العربية: وروار قرفي الصدر
català: Abellerol muntanyenc
čeština: Vlha skořicovoprsá
Cymraeg: Gwenynysor bronwinau'r De
dansk: Okkerbrystet Biæder
Deutsch: Bergspint
English: Cinnamon-chested Bee-eater
español: Abejaruco montano
français: Guêpier montagnard
magyar: Hegyi gyurgyalag
italiano: Gruccione pettocannella
日本語: チャムネハチクイ
Nederlands: Bergbijeneter
norsk: Bergbieter
русский: Черногрудая щурка
svenska: Bergbiätare
українська: Бджолоїдка суданська
català: Abellerol muntanyenc
čeština: Vlha skořicovoprsá
Cymraeg: Gwenynysor bronwinau'r De
dansk: Okkerbrystet Biæder
Deutsch: Bergspint
English: Cinnamon-chested Bee-eater
español: Abejaruco montano
français: Guêpier montagnard
magyar: Hegyi gyurgyalag
italiano: Gruccione pettocannella
日本語: チャムネハチクイ
Nederlands: Bergbijeneter
norsk: Bergbieter
русский: Черногрудая щурка
svenska: Bergbiätare
українська: Бджолоїдка суданська