Mangifera applanata

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The status, affinity, scope or nomenclature of this taxon is disputed.

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Taxonavigation: Sapindales 
Classification System: APG IV

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Cladus: Angiosperms
Cladus: Eudicots
Cladus: Core eudicots
Cladus: Rosids
Cladus: Eurosids II
Ordo: Sapindales

Familia: Anacardiaceae
Subfamilia: Anacardioideae
Genus: Mangifera
Species: Mangifera applanata



Mangifera applanata Kosterm., [A. Kostermans & J. Bompard], Mangoes: 64 (–65; fig. 11) (1993)

  • Note: synonymized with M. indica L. by Kochummen (1996).
  • Typus: Kostermans 23143 (L)
    • Note: Unlike other species, the authors do not include the type in their specimen list. Moreover, the corresponding specimen (L.1792330 (L 0309606)(GBIF)) is of Cinnamomum litseifolium Thwaites (Lauraceae). The original specimen list is as follows:
      • BORNEO:
        • Sabah: Sandakan, Segaliud Lokan For.Res., 90 m, Jan., San 81311 (KEP, SAN); Lahad Datu, m. 2.5 from Bakapit, Silabukan For.Res., 540 m, May, fr., San 29782 (K, SAN); Tenom, Lagud Sebrang Agric.Res.Sta., near guesthouse on hillside (wild), 250 m, [23] Aug. [1986], fl.,, Lamb 48/86 (BO, K {K000695180(GBIF, JSTOR), K000695181(GBIF, JSTOR), K001871987(GBIF)}, L [​L.2266657 (L 0748809)(GBIF)]); ibid., Sapong waterfalls, Sept., fl., Lamb s.n. (BO, K).
        • Sarawak: Lundu, road to the sea, old garden, ster., Kostermans s.n. (BO).
        • E. Kalimantan: Berau, Mt Ilas Bungaan, 400 m, Sept., fl., Kostermans 13918 (BO, SING); E. Kutai, Sangkulirang Isl., 30 m, May, fr., Kostermans 4915 (BO, SING); Upper Mahakam R., Tiong Ohang Ilir (near mouth of Tiyan R.), 300 m, ster. (with seeds), Bompard 781 & a (BO); Tanah Bumbu, Kampung Baru, 25 m, ster., bb. 13363 (BO).
        • S. Kalimantan: 30 km E. of Kandangan, between Kundu-Kundu and Loksado, 200 m, ster., Bompard 742 (BO); Pleihari, Tanjung, 150 m, July, fl., bb. 10154 (BO, BZF); Pleihari-Martapura Game Res., Riam Kanan, Kuinan area, near Rantau Kupang R., 150 m, ster., Bompard 651 (BO); ibid., foot of Mt Aur Bunak, along Tuyup R., Arinaway, 200 m, Nov., fr., Bompard 716 (BO); Riam Kiwa, Sungai Pinang, 100 m, Nov., fr. (unripe), Bompard 723 (BO) ?, vern. name: pelipisan damar.
        • W. Kalimantan: Pontianak, Anjongan, Gunung Bala Forest, [6] Apr. [1931], fl., Mondi 262 (BO, P [​P05189942(GBIF)], SING); Sambas, 17 Singkawang, Bagak (edge of Gunung Raya Pasi N.R.), 50 m, fr., Bompard 890 a (BO); Sintang, Mengkuray, culta. along Kapuas R., 27 m, Jan., fl., Bompard 856 (BO); Nanga Pinoh, Gubuk Kelawit, 50 m, ster., Bompard 869 (BO); ibid., Kpg. Tanjung Lay, Riam Kan Sulit, along Pinoh R., 45 m, ster., Bompard 862 (BO).
      • MALAY PENINSULA: Pahang, Taman Negara, Kuala Trenggan, ster., Bompard 821 (KEP).
      • SUMATRA: West Sumatra, Rao, near Tapos, Lundar, ster., Bompard 1000 (BO).

Misapplied names

  • Mangifera longipes auct. non Griff. [= M. laurina Blume]: Ding Hou, Fl. Males., Ser. 1, Spermat. 8(3): 428 (1978), pro parte, quoad bb. 10154, bb. 13363, Kostermans 4915, Kostermans 13918 et Mondi 262.
    • Note: fide Kostermans & Bompard (1993).
  • Mangifera indica auct. non L.: Ding Hou, Fl. Males., Ser. 1, Spermat. 8(3): 427, quoad San A 3256, San 29782 et San 81311.
    • Note: fide Kostermans & Bompard (1993).


Native distribution areas:
  • Continental: Asia-Tropical
    • Regional: Malesia
      • Borneo (Kalimantan, Sabah, Sarawak), Malaya (Peninsular Malaysia), Sumatera.

References: Brummitt, R.K. 2001. TDWG – World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions, 2nd Edition



Primary references


Additional references


Vernacular names

Banjar: (Asam) Pelipisan
Minangkabau: Sepam [Bompard 1000]
Bahasa Melayu: Asem Paoh [Sintang dialect]