Strigosella africana
(Redirected from Malcolmia taraxacifolia)
[edit]Taxonavigation: Brassicales |
Classification System: APG IV
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Brassicaceae
Subfamilia: Brassicoideae
Tribus: Euclidieae
Genus: Strigosella
Species: Strigosella africana
[edit]Strigosella africana (L.) Botsch., Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 57(9): 1038 (1972).
[edit]- Basionym
- Hesperis africana L., Sp. Pl. 2: 663 (1753).
- Homotypic
- Malcolmia africana (L.) R.Br. in W.T. Aiton, Hortus Kew. 4: 121 (1812).
- Wilckia africana (L.) Halácsy, Oesterr. Bot. Z. 45: 215 (1895).
- Crucifera africana (L.) E.H.L.Krause in J.Sturm, Deutschl. Fl. Abbild., ed. 2, 6: 119 (1902).
- Fedtschenkoa africana (L.) F.Dvořák, Feddes Repert. 81: 401 (1970).
- Heterotypic
- Erysimum polyceratum Pall., Reise Russ. Reich. 3: 741 (1776).
- Hesperis diffusa Lam., Fl. Franç. 2: 504 (1779).
- Hesperis inodora Asso, Syn. Pl. Arag.: 87 (1779).
- Hesperis laxa Lam. in J. Lamarck & al., Encycl. 3(1): 325 (1789) [19 Oct 1789].
- Malcolmia laxa (Lam.) DC., Syst. Nat. 2: 440 (1821).
- Malcolmia africana var. laxa (DC.) Regel, Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou 43(I): 267 (1870).
- Wilckia africana var. laxa (Lam.) Grossh., Fl. Kavkaza 2: 115 (1930).
- Strigosella africana var. laxa (Lam.) Botsch., Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 57(9): 1038 (1972).
- Strigosella laxa (Lam.) Galushko, Fl. Severn. Kavkaza Vopr. Ist. 2: 58 (1980).
- Cheiranthus scaber Moench, Methodus: 254 (1794).
- Hesperis hispida Schreb. ex Roth, Ann. Bot. (Usteri) 14: 29 (1795).
- Cheiranthus taraxacifolius Balb., Cat. Hort. Taur. App.: 10 (1814).
- Malcolmia taraxacifolia (Balb.) DC.,, Syst. Nat. 2: 439 (1821).
- Fedtschenkoa taraxacifolia (Balb.) F.Dvořák, Feddes Repert. 81: 403 (1970).
- Malcolmia divaricata Fisch., Index Seminum (LE, Petropolitanus) 1: 33 (1835).
- Matthiola stenopetala Bernh. ex Ledeb., Fl. Ross. 1: 170 (1841).
- Malcolmia laxa var. stenopetala Regel, Index Seminum (LE, Petropolitanus) 1856: 33 (1856).
- Fedtschenkoa stenopetala (Bernh. ex Fisch. & C.A.Mey.) F.Dvořák, Feddes Repert. 81: 403 (1970).
- Hesperis jasa Fisch., C.A.Mey. & Avé-Lall., Index Seminum (LE, Petropolitanus) 11: 75 (1846).
- Malcolmia laxa var. hispidula Regel, Index Seminum (LE, Petropolitanus) 1856: 33 (1856).
- Hesperis pachypodium E.Fourn., Bull. Soc. Bot. France 13: 335 (1866).
- Malcolmia africana var. gracilis O.E.Schulz, Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 9: 1087 (1927).
- Malcolmia calycina Sennen, Diagn. Nouv. 178 (1936) [Jul 1936].
- Malcolmia africana var. calycina Sennen ex Maire, Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Afrique N. 27: 205 (1936).
- Malcolmia africana var. squarrosa Sennen & Mauricio in É.M.G.Sennen, Diagn. Nouv.: 224 (1936).
- Malcolmia halophila Gilli, Feddes Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 57: 224 (1955).
[edit]Native distribution areas: |
References: Brummitt, R.K. 2001. TDWG – World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions, 2nd Edition |
[edit]Primary references
[edit]- Botschantzev, V.P. 1972. The genus Strigosella Boiss. and its relation to the genus Malcolmia R. Br. (Cruciferae) (in Russian). Botanicheskii Zhurnal (Moscow & Leningrad) 57(9): 1033–1046. DJVU Reference page.
Additional references
[edit]- Al-Shehbaz, I.A., German, D.A., Mummenhoff, K. & Moazzeni, H. 2014. Systematics, tribal placements, and synopses of the Malcolmia s.l. segregates (Brassicaceae). Harvard Papers in Botany 19(1): 53–71. DOI: 10.3100/hpib.v19iss1.2014.n4 ResearchGate Reference page.
[edit]- Govaerts, R. et al. 2023. Strigosella africana in Kew Science Plants of the World Online. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Published online. Accessed: 2023 Jan 11. Reference page.
- 2023. Strigosella africana. Missouri Botanical Garden. Published online. Accessed: 11 Jan 2023.
- International Plant Names Index. 2023. Strigosella africana. Published online. Accessed: 11 Jan 2023.
- Hassler, M. 2023. World Plants. Synonymic Checklist and Distribution of the World Flora. . Strigosella africana. Accessed: 11 Jan 2023.
- Euro+Med 2006 onwards: Strigosella africana in Euro+Med PlantBase – the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity. Published online. Accessed: 2023 Jan 11.
- Koch, M.A. et al. 2019. Strigosella africana in BrassiBase Tools and biological resources to study characters and traits in the Brassicaceae. Published online. Accessed: 2019 Jun 04.
- USDA, ARS, Germplasm Resources Information Network. Strigosella africana in the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service. Accessed: 03-12-16.
Vernacular names
[edit]English: African Mustard
suomi: Afrikanillakko
suomi: Afrikanillakko