Lygodium flexuosum

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Lygodium flexuosum
Lygodium flexuosum


Taxonavigation: Schizaeales 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Divisio: Tracheophyta
Divisio: Pteridophyta
Classis: Polypodiopsida
Ordo: Schizaeales

Familia: Lygodiaceae
Genus: Lygodium
Species: Lygodium flexuosum



Lygodium flexuosum (L.) Sw., 1801




  • Hydroglossum elegans (Desv.) Steud.; Nomencl. Bot. Crypt. 2: 205 (1824)
  • Hydroglossum flexuosum (L.) Willd.; Abh. Kurf. Mainz. Ak. Wiss. Erfurt 2: 23 (1802)
  • Hydroglossum pinnatifidum Willd.; Schrift. Akad. Erf. 21 (1802)
  • Hydroglossum scandens (L.) Willd.; Abh. Kurfürstl.-Mainz. Akad. Nützl. Wiss. Erfurt 2(5): 20 (1802)
  • Hydroglossum semipinnatum Poir.; Encycl. suppl. 3: 78 (1813)
  • Lygodium elegans Desv.; Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin Mag. Neuesten Entdeck. Gesammten Naturk. 5: 308 (1811)
  • Lygodium flexuosum var. accidens R.C.Y.Chou
  • Lygodium flexuosum var. setulosum Tardieu & C.Chr.; Fl. Gen. Indo-Chine 7: 39 (1939)
  • Lygodium maculatum Bory; Bél., Voy. Indes Or., Bot. 2: 15 (1833)
  • Lygodium meyenianum C.Presl; Suppl. Tent. Pterid. 106 (1845)
  • Lygodium pilosum Desv.; Mem. Soc. Linn. Paris 6, 2: 205 (1827)
  • Lygodium pinnatifidum Sw.; J. Bot. (Schrader) 1801(2): 303 (1803)
  • Lygodium polymorphum (Cav.) Kunth; Nov. Gen. Sp. [H. B. K.] 1: 31 (1816)
  • Lygodium pubescens Wall.; Numer. List no. 2200 (1830), nomen
  • Lygodium rottlerianum C.Presl; Suppl. Tent. Pterid.: 108 (1845)
  • Lygodium scandens (L.) Sw.; J. Bot. (Schrader) 1800(2): 106 (1801) (p. p. excl. syn.)
  • Lygodium semibipinnatum R.Br.; Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland. 162 (1810)
  • Lygodium serrulatum Blume; Enum. Pl. Javae 2: 254 (1828)
  • Lygodium tenue C.Presl; Suppl. Tent. Pterid. 108 (1845)
  • Odontopteris scandens (L.) Bernh.; J. Bot. (Schrader) 1800(2): 127 (1801)
  • Ophioglossum flexuosum L.; Sp. Pl. 2: 1063 (1753)
  • Ophioglossum scandens L.; Sp. Pl. 2: 1106 (1753) (p. p.)
  • Ramondia flexuosa (L.) Mirb.; Bull. Soc. Philom. 2: 179, t. 12, f. 3 (1800)
  • Ramondia scandens (L.) Mirb.; Bull. Sci. Soc. Philom. Paris 2. 179 (1801)
  • Ugena polymorpha Cav.; Icon. 6: 75, t. 595 (1801)


Native distribution areas:
  • Continental:Asia & Australasia
      • China (Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Hunan, Yunnan); Ryukyu Isl.; Nepal; Bhutan; India (Andaman Isl., Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam State, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Goa, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Odisha, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Tripura, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal); Sri Lanka; Bangladesh; Andaman Isl.; Myanmar (Chin, etc.); Thailand (widespread); Laos; Cambodia; Vietnam; peninsular Malaysia (widespread); Singapore; Borneo (Sabah, Sarawak); Sulawesi; Palawan; Philippines; Lesser Sunda Isl. (Lombok, Bali, Sumbawa, Flores, Alor, Wetar, Timor); Moluccas (Seram); New Guinea (Irian Jaya, Papua New Guinea); Australia (Western Australia, Northern Territory, NE-Queensland)

References: Brummitt, R.K. 2001. TDWG – World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions, 2nd Edition



Primary references

  • Swartz, O. 1801. Genera et species filicum ordine systematico redactarum, adiectis synonymis et iconibus selectis, nec non speciebus recenter detectis, et demum plurimis dubiosis, ulterius investigandis. Journal für die Botanik (Schrader) 1800(2): 1–120. MDZ Reference page. : 1800(2):106.

Additional references


Vernacular names

മലയാളം: പൊലിവള്ളി
Tiếng Việt: Bòng bong
中文: 牛抄藤, 狭叶海金沙
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