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Hypecoum imberbe

From Wikispecies
Hypecoum imberbe


Taxonavigation: Ranunculales 
Classification System: APG IV

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Cladus: Angiosperms
Cladus: Eudicots
Ordo: Ranunculales

Familia: Papaveraceae
Subfamilia: Fumarioideae
Tribus: Hypecoeae
Genus: Hypecoum
Subgenus: H. subg. Hypecoum
Sectio: H. sect. Hypecoum
Species: Hypecoum imberbe



Hypecoum imberbe Sm. in J.Sibthorp & J.E.Smith, Fl. Graec. Prodr. 1(1): 107 (1806).

  • Lectotype: "In insula Cypro", 1787, Sibthorp (OXF), designated by Meikle, Kew Bull. 11(3): 546–547 (1956).


  • Homotypic
    • Hypecoum procumbens subsp. imberbe (Sm.) Malag., Acta Phytotax. Barcin., 18: 10 (1976 publ. 1977).
  • Heterotypic
    • Hypecoum grandiflorum Benth., Cat. Pl. Pyrénées 91 (1826).
      • Type: "Bas Rousillou, Catalogne" (K)
      • Hypecoum procumbens subsp. grandiflorum (Benth.) Pau, Notas Bot. Fl. Esp. 5: 8 (1892).
      • Hypecoum procumbens subsp. grandiflorum (Benth.) Bonnier & Layens, Tabl. Syn. Pl. Vasc. France 13 (1894), comb. superfl.
      • Hypecoum procumbens var. grandiflorum (Benth.) Coss., Compl. Fl. Atl. 2: 73 (1887).
    • Hypecoum procumbens var. macranthum Rouy & Foucaud, Fl. Fr. 1: 168 (1893).
      • Type: "Corse à Bonifacio", Kralik (LY, Herb. Rouy).
    • Hypecoum grandiflorum var. caesium Hausskn., Mitt. Thür. Bot. Ver. 3–4: 101 (1893).
      • Lectotype: "In Acropoli Athenarum" (B, designated by Dahl, Plant Syst. Evol. 163: 265 (1989). Isotype in K.
  • Misapplied names


Native distribution areas:
  • Continental: Europe
    • Regional: Southwestern Europe
      • Baleares (Ibiza with Formentera, Mallorca, Menorca), Corse, France, Portugal, Sardegna, Spain.
    • Regional: Southeastern Europe
      • Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Sicilia (Sicily, Malta: in error), Turkey-in-Europe (in error), Yugoslavia (Northern Macedonia).
  • Continental: Africa
    • Regional: Northern Africa
      • Algeria (doubtful), Libya (doubtful), Morocco.
  • Continental: Asia-Temperate
    • Regional: Caucasus
      • Transcaucasus (Azerbaijan#)
    • Regional: Western Asia
      • Cyprus, East Aegean Islands (in error), Lebanon-Syria (in error), Palestine (Jordan#, in error), Sinai (in error), Turkey (in error).
#: given in Euro+Med Plantbase on the basis of older literature than Dahl 1989

References: Brummitt, R.K. 2001. TDWG – World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions, 2nd Edition



Primary references


Additional references

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