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Taxonavigation: Lichinales 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Fungi
Subregnum: Dikarya
Divisio: Ascomycota
Subdivisio: Pezizomycotina
Classis: Lichinomycetes
Ordo: Lichinales

Familia: Gloeoheppiaceae
Genus: Gloeoheppia
Species: G. erosa – G. polyspora – G. rugosa – G. squamulosa – G. turgida



Gloeoheppia Gyeln., 1935

Type species: Gloeoheppia turgida (Ach.) Gyeln., 1935

Life habit: Lichenized.


  • Henssen, Lichenologist 27: 268 (1995)
  • Henssen, A. (1995) The new lichen family Gloeoheppiaceae and its genera Gloeoheppia, Pseudopeltula and Gudelia (Lichinales) - The Lichenologist 27(4): 261–290. [1]
  • Schultz, M. (2002) Gloeoheppia (pp. 202-203) In: Nash III, T.H., Ryan, B.D, Gries, C. and Bungartz, F. (eds.), Lichen Flora of the Greater Sonoran Desert Region, Vol. 1. Lichens Unlimited, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, 532 pages.
  • Schultz (2007) Gloeoheppia (pp. 380-381) In: Nash III, T.H., Gries, C., and Bungartz, F. (eds.), Lichen Flora of the Greater Sonoran Desert Region, Vol. 3. Lichens Unlimited, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, 567 pages.

Vernacular names
