[edit]Taxonavigation: Polydesmida |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Haplodesmidae
Genus: Eutrichodesmus
E. anisodentus –
E. apicalis –
E. arcicollaris –
E. armatocaudatus –
E. aster –
E. asteroides –
E. basalis –
E. cambodiensis –
E. cavernicola –
E. communicans –
E. curticornis –
E. demangei –
E. deporatus –
E. digitatus –
E. distinctus –
E. dorsiangulatus –
E. filisetiger –
E. gremialis –
E. griseus –
E. incisus –
E. jianjia –
E. latellai –
E. latus –
E. lipsae –
E. macclurei –
E. monodentus –
E. multilobatus –
E. obliteratus –
E. paraster –
E. parvus –
E. pectinatidentis –
E. peculiaris –
E. planatus –
E. reclinatus –
E. reductus –
E. regularis –
E. similis –
E. simplex –
E. sketi –
E. soesilae –
E. spinatus –
E. steineri –
E. tenuis –
E. triangularis –
E. troglobius –
E. trontelji
[list of species after Golovatch, Geoffroy, Mauriès & VandenSpiegel (2009b), Makhan (2010)]
[edit]Eutrichodesmus Silvestri, 1910
[edit]- Eutrichodesmus Silvestri, 1910
- Dimorphodesmus Murakami, 1966 [Golovatch, Geoffroy, Mauriès & VandenSpiegel (2009: 45, n. syn.)]
- Ascetophacus Hoffman, 1977: 250 [Golovatch, Geoffroy, Mauriès & VandenSpiegel (2009: 45, n. syn.)]
- Cerastelachys Hoffman, 1977b [Golovatch, Geoffroy, Mauriès & VandenSpiegel (2009: 45, n. syn.)]
- Dyomerothrix Hoffman, 1982 [Golovatch, Geoffroy, Mauriès & VandenSpiegel (2009: 45, n. syn.)]
- Parapauroplus Zhang, in Zhang & Wang, 1993 [Golovatch, Geoffroy, Mauriès & VandenSpiegel (2009: 45, n. syn.)]
- Pocillidorsus Zhang, in Zhang & Wang, 1993 [Golovatch, Geoffroy, Mauriès & VandenSpiegel (2009: 46, n. syn.)]
Type species
[edit]- Eutrichodesmus Silvestri: Eutrichodesmus demangei Silvestri, 1910, by original designation
- Dimorphodesmus Murakami: Dimorphodesmus peculiaris Murakami, 1966
- Ascetophacus Hoffman: Ascetophacus macclurei Hoffman, 1977, by original designation
- Cerastelachys Hoffman: Doratonotus cavernicola Sinclair, 1901
- Dyomerothrix Hoffman: Dyomerothrix gremialis Hoffman, 1982
- Parapauroplus Zhang: Parapauroplus monodentus Zhang, 1993
- Pocillidorsus Zhang: Pocillidorsus dorsiangulatus Zhang, 1993
[edit]- Golovatch, S.I., Geoffroy, J.J., Mauriès, J.P. & VandenSpiegel, D. 2009. Review of the millipede family Haplodesmidae Cook, 1895, with descriptions of some new or poorly-known species (Diplopoda, Polydesmida). In: Golovatch, S.I.; Mesibov, R. (eds.) Advances in the systematics of Diplopoda I. ZooKeys 7: 1–53. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.7.117 Reference page.
- Golovatch, S.I., Geoffroy, J.J., Mauriès, J.P. & VandenSpiegel, D., 2009a: Review of the millipede genus Eutrichodesmus Silvestri, 1910 (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Haplodesmidae), with descriptions of new species. ZooKeys 12: 1–46. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.12.167 Reference page.
- Golovatch, S.I., Geoffroy, J.J., Mauriès, J.P. & VandenSpiegel, D., 2015: Review of the millipede genus Eutrichodesmus Silvestri, 1910, in China, with descriptions of new cavernicolous species (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Haplodesmidae). Zookeys 505: 1–34. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.505.9862. Reference page.
- Hoffman, R.L. 1977: The systematic position of the diplopod family Doratodesmidae, and description of a new genus from Malaya (Polydesmida). Pacific insects, 17: 247–255. PDF
- Hoffman, R.L. 1977b: Diplopoda from Malayan caves, collected by M. Pierre Strinati. Revue Suisse de Zoologie, 84 (3): 699–719.
- Hoffman, R.L. 1982: A new genus and species of doratodesmid milliped from Thailand. Archives des sciences (Geneva), 35 (1): 87–93.
- Liu, W.; Tian, M. 2013: Four new cavernicolous species of the millipede genus Eutrichodesmus Silvestri, 1910 from southern China (Diplopoda: Polydesmida: Haplodesmidae). Zootaxa 3734(2): 281–291. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3734.2.11 Reference page.
- Liu, W-X., Golovatch, S. & Wesener, T. 2017. Four new species of the millipede genus Eutrichodesmus Silvestri, 1910 from Laos, including two with reduced ozopores (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Haplodesmidae). ZooKeys 660: 43—65. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.660.11780. Reference page.
- Liu, W-X. & Wynne, J.J. 2019. Cave millipede diversity with the description of six new species from Guangxi, China. Subterranean Biology, 30: 57–94. DOI: 10.3897/subtbiol.30.35559
Reference page.
- Makhan, D. 2010: Eutrichodesmus soesilae sp. nov., a new millipede from Mt. Jinyun, Beibei, Chongqing, China (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Haplodesmidae). Calodema, 110: 1–5.
- Murakami, Y. 1966: Postembryonic development of the common Myriapoda in Japan XXI. A new genus of the family Oniscodesmidae and a new species of the genus Arachandrodesmus (Cryptodesmidae). Zoological magazine, 75 (2): 30–33.
- Silvestri, F. 1910: Descrizione preliminari di nuovi generi di Diplopodi. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 35: 357–364.
- Srisonchai, R., Likhitrakarn, N., Sutcharit, C., Jeratthitikul, E., Siriwut, W., Thrach, P., Chhuoy, S., Ngor, P.B. & Panha, S. 2020. A new micropolydesmoid millipede of the genus Eutrichodesmus Silvestri, 1910 from Cambodia, with a key to species in mainland Southeast Asia (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Haplodesmidae). ZooKeys, 996: 59–91. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.996.57411
Reference page.
[edit]- EOL Dyomerothrix
- ION search for Eutrichodesmus
- ION search for Ascetophacus
- ION search for Cerastelachys
- ION search for Dyomerothrix
- ION search for Parapauroplus
- ION search for Pocillidorsus
- Nomenclator Zoologicus search for Eutrichodesmus
- Nomenclator Zoologicus search for Dimorphodesmus
- Nomenclator Zoologicus search for Ascetophacus
- Nomenclator Zoologicus search for Cerastelachys
- Nomenclator Zoologicus search for Dyomerothrix
- Nomenclator Zoologicus search for Parapauroplus
- Nomenclator Zoologicus search for Pocillidorsus 03:02, 2 July 2009 (UTC)]