Espadarana prosoblepon

[edit]Taxonavigation: Anura |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Centrolenidae
Subfamilia: Centroleninae
Tribus: Cochranellini
Genus: Espadarana
Species: Espadarana prosoblepon
[edit]Espadarana prosoblepon (Boettger, 1892)
- Lectotype: SMF 3756. [designated by Mertens (1967: 42)]
- Type locality: “Plantage Cairo (La Junta) bei Limon, [Cantón de Siquirres, Provincia de Limón,] atlantische Seite von Costa Rica”.
[edit]- Hyla prosoblepon Boettger, 1892: 45 [original combination]
- Centrolene prosoblepon — Noble, 1924: 66 [subsequent combination]
- Centrolenella prosoblepon — Goin, 1964: 5 [subsequent combination]
- Centrolene prosoblepon — Ruiz-Carranza & Lynch, 1991: 20 [subsequent combination]
- Espadarana prosoblepon — Guayasamin, Castroviejo-Fisher, Trueb, Ayarzagüena, Rada & Vilà, 2009: 33 [subsequent combination]
[edit]- Hylella puncticrus Boulenger, 1896: 341
- Syntypes: BMNH 1947.2.13.13 (formerly 1896.10.8.70-71).
- Type locality: “La Palma”, San José Province, Costa Rica.
- Hyla parabambae Boulenger, 1898: 125
- Holotype: BMNH 1947.2.13.13 (former 1898.4.28.163).
- Type locality: “Paramba”, Imbabure Province, Ecuador. Noted elsewhere in the original publication as “Paramba, a farm on the W. bank of the River Mira, at 3500 feet altitude; it is still in the forest region, but the open country commences two or three miles higher up the Mira”.
- Hyla ocellifera Boulenger, 1899: 277
- Holotype: BMNH 1947.2.13.50 (former 1898.5.19.3).
- Type locality: “Paramba, [Provincia Imbabura,] N. W. Ecuador”.
[edit]Primary references
[edit]- Boettger, O. 1892. Katalog der Batrachier-Sammlung im Museum der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellshaft in Frankfurt am Main. Gebrüder Knauer: Frankfurt a. M.
- Ruiz-Carranza, P.M. & Lynch, J.D. 1991. Ranas Centrolenidae de Colombia I. Propuesta de una nueva clasificación genérica. Lozania 57: 1–30. Reference page.
- Guayasamin, J.M, Castroviejo-Fisher, S., Trueb, L., Ayarzagüena, J., Rada, M. & Vilà, C. 2009. Phylogenetic systematics of glassfrogs (Amphibia: Centrolenidae) and their sister taxon Allophryne ruthveni. Zootaxa 2100(1): 1–97. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.2100.1.1
Reference page.
[edit]- IUCN SSC Amphibian Specialist Group. 2020. IUCN: Espadarana prosoblepon (Least Concern). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2020: e.T78163669A54342487. DOI: 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2020-1.RLTS.T78163669A54342487.en. Accessed on 01 February 2023.
Vernacular names
[edit]English: Variable Glassfrog
español: Rana de Cristal Variable
español: Rana de Cristal Variable