Coprosma foliosa
(Redirected from Coprosma fauriei var. oahuensis)

[edit]Taxonavigation: Gentianales |
Classification System: APG IV
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Rubiaceae
Subfamilia: Rubioideae
Tribus: Anthospermeae
Genus: Coprosma
Species: Coprosma foliosa
[edit]Coprosma foliosa A.Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 4: 48 (1860)
- Type: [United States Exploring Expedition under the command of Charles Wilkes, 1838–1842] s.n. (US-US00129905-42340, see Oliver 1935: 167); 'also gathered by Gaudichaud' ([187], possible type: P-MNHN-P-P00698877, mirror), 'Nuttall, and Seemann'.
- Type locality: [United States of America.] Sandwich[Hawaiian] Islands, Oahu.
[edit]- Heterotypic
- Coprosma fauriei H.Lév., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 10: 153 (1911); as Coprosma Fauriei; not accepted by Govaerts (1999, 2003) [cited as Coprosma foliosa]
- Type: U.J. Faurie 330 (December 1909; BM-BM001040401, P(-MNHN-P-P00698879, mirror); isotype: BISH-BISH1015005; possible type: P(-MNHN-P-P00698878, mirror)).
- Type locality: [United States of America. Hawaiian Islands,] Kauai: Hanapepe.
- Coprosma parvifolia H.Lév., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 10: 153 (1911); not accepted by Govaerts (1999, 2003) [cited as Coprosma foliosa]
- Note: this name does not have any indication of new species like C. fauriei.
- Type: not designated; according to Oliver (1935: 166), specimens Faurie 324 ([United States of America. Hawaiian Islands,] Molokai: Kamalo; June 1910; BISH, probable isotype: BM-BM001040398) 'must be considered typical of the species' if these are not the actual type specimens.
- Coprosma vontempskyi Rock, Indig. Trees Haw. Isl.: 461 (1913); as Coprosma Vontempskyi; not accepted by Govaerts (1999, 2003) [cited as Coprosma foliosa]
- Type: J.F.C. Rock 8529 (September 1910; holotype: BISH-BISH1015089; isotypes: GH-GH00092578, P(-MNHN-P-P00698907, mirror)).
- Type locality: [United States of America. Hawaiian Islands,] Maui: in the rain forest above and below Olinda, on the slopes of Mt. Haleakala.
- Coprosma fauriei var. lanaiensis W.R.B.Oliv., Bull. Bernice P. Bishop Mus. 132: 162 (1935); not accepted by Govaerts (1999, 2003) [cited as Coprosma foliosa]
- Type: G.C. Munro 367 (male, 15 December 1915; holotype: BISH-BISH1015006).
- Type locality: [United States of America.] Hawaii, Lanai: Kalulu.
- Coprosma fauriei var. oahuensis W.R.B.Oliv., Bull. Bernice P. Bishop Mus. 132: 162 (1935); not accepted by Govaerts (1999, 2003) [cited as Coprosma foliosa]
- Type: C.N Forbes X 8 (female, in flower and fruit, February 1909; holotype: BISH-BISH1015007).
- Type locality: [United States of America.] Hawaii, Oahu: Makaha Valley.
- Coprosma fauriei var. typica W.R.B.Oliv., Bull. Bernice P. Bishop Mus. 132: 162 (1935), not validly publ.
- Type: see Coprosma fauriei.
- Coprosma skottsbergiana W.R.B.Oliv., Rec. Domin. Mus. 1: 46 (1942); not accepted by Govaerts (1999, 2003) [cited as Coprosma foliosa]
- Type: L.M. Cranwell, O. Selling & C. Skottsberg 2553 (10 July 1938; GB-0048552; isotype: BISH-BISH1015084); L.M. Cranwell 3420 (21 September 1938; paratype: GB-0048553).
- Type locality: [United States of America.] Hawaiian Islands, Molokai: Maunahui.
- Euarthronia foliosa Nutt. ex A.Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 4: 49 (1860), nom. inval. pro syn.
- Coprosma fauriei H.Lév., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 10: 153 (1911); as Coprosma Fauriei; not accepted by Govaerts (1999, 2003) [cited as Coprosma foliosa]
[edit]Native distribution areas: |
References: Brummitt, R.K. 2001. TDWG – World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions, 2nd Edition |
[edit]Primary references
[edit]- Gray, A. 1860. Notes upon some Rubiaceæ, collected in the United States South-Sea Exploring Expedition under Captain Wilkes, with Characters of New Species, &c. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 4: 48
Additional references
[edit]- Léveillé, H. 1911. Plantae novae sandwicenses. Repertorium Specierum Novarum Regni Vegetabilis 10(239–242): 120–124 BHL, (243–247): 149–157 BHL. Reference page.
- Rock, J.F. 1913. The Indigenous Trees of the Hawaiian Islands. Honolulu, Hawaii. BHL Reference page.
- Oliver, W.R.B. 1935. The genus Coprosma. Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin 132: 1–207. Google Books. Google Books (another version). Reference page.
- Oliver, W.R.B. 1942. New species of Coprosma from New Guinea and the Hawaiian Islands. Records of the Dominion Museum 1(1): 44–47, plate 14. Google Books. Reference page. [See p. 46, and Pl. 14, Fig. 3]
- Govaerts, R. 1999. World Checklist of Seed Plants 3(1, 2a & 2b). 1532 pp.. MIM, Deurne. ISBN 90-5720-098-8 (issue 1), ISBN 90-5720-099-6 (issue 2b). Reference page.
- Govaerts, R.H.A. 2003. World Checklist of Selected Plant Families Database in ACCESS: 1-216203. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. [unavailable for the public] Reference page.
[edit]- Govaerts, R. et al. 2021. Coprosma foliosa in Kew Science Plants of the World Online. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Published online. Accessed: 2021 October 30. Reference page.
- International Plant Names Index. 2021. Coprosma foliosa. Published online. Accessed: 30 October 2021. Reference page.
- IUCN: Coprosma foliosa A.Gray (Vulnerable)
- 2021. Coprosma foliosa. Missouri Botanical Garden. Published online. Accessed: 30 October 2021.
Vernacular names
[edit]Hawaiʻi: Pilo