Coccinella colon
The species name Coccinella colon may refer to:
- Coccinella colon Herbst, 1783 junior synonym of Subcoccinella vigintiquatuorpunctata
- Coccinella colon Thunberg, 1795 unavailable synonym of Rhyzobius burmeisteri
[edit]- Herbst, J.F.W. 1783. Kritisches Verzeichniß meiner Insektensammlung. Erste Klasse. Erste Abtheilung. Scarabaeus—Lagria. Archiv der Insectengeschichte 2(4): 1–128. BHL Reference page.
- Thunberg, C.P. 1795. Dissertatio Entomologica sistens Insecta Svecica, IX. Upsala. 105–113pp. Google books
Reference page.