Charlotte Morley Taylor
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Charlotte Morley Taylor (born 1955), U.S. botanist.
IPNI standard form: C.M.Taylor
Taxon names authored
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- Taylor, C.M. 1985. A revision of the Central American species of Monnina (Polygalaceae). Rhodora 87(850): 159–188. JSTOR
BHL Reference page.
- Taylor, C.M. 1992. Notes on the Rubiaceae of Peru. Novon 2(4): 438–442. BHL Reference page.
- Burger, W. & Taylor, C.M. 1993. Family #202 Rubiaceae. In Burger, W. (ed.), Flora Costaricensis. Fieldiana: Botany, new ser., 33: I–V, 1–333. BHL Reference page.
- Taylor, C.M. 1993. A New Species of Faramea (Rubiaceae) from Amazonian Peru. Novon 3(4): 492–493. BHL. Reference page.
- Andersson, L. & Taylor, C.M. 1994. Flora of Ecuador, Vol. 50. Rubiaceae. 114 pp. Stockholm: Department of Systematic Botany, University of Göteborg, Section for Botany, Riksmuseum. Google Books. Reference page.
- Taylor, C.M. 1996. Taxonomic revision of Cruckshanksia and Oreopolus (Rubiaceae: Hedyotideae). Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 83(4): 461–479. JSTOR
BHL Reference page.
- Delprete, P., Andersson, L., Ståhl, B. & Taylor, C.M. 1999. Flora of Ecuador, Vol. 62. Rubiaceae (part 3). 320 pp. Department of Systematic Botany, University of Göteborg, Section for Botany, Riksmuseum. Google Books. Gooble Books (another version). Reference page.
- Taylor, C.M. 1999. A New Species of Psychotria Subgenus Psychotria from Nicaragua. Novon 9: 425–427. BHL Reference page.
- Taylor, C.M. & Cortés-Ballén, R. 1999. Una Especie Nueva de Posoqueria (Rubiaceae) de la Guayana Colombiana. Novon 9: 428–430. BHL Reference page.
- Taylor, C.M., Devia, W., Cogollo, A. & Persson, C. 1999. Nuevos Taxones de Rubiaceae de la Costa Pacífica de Colombia y Ecuador. Novon 9(3): 431–440. DOI: 10.2307/3391748
BHL Reference page.
- Lorence, D.H. & Taylor, C.M. 2001. Rubiacearum Americanarum Magna Hama Pars I. A New Species of Chomelia from Panama. Novon 11(1): 124–126. BHL Reference page.
- Taylor, C.M. & Lorence, D.H. 2001. Rubiacearum Americanarum Magna Hama Pars II. New and Newly Circumscribed Taxa of Guettarda (Guettardeae). Novon 11(1): 127–134. BHL Reference page.
- Taylor, C.M. 2001. Rubiacearum Americanarum Magna Hama Pars III. Five New Species and a New Subspecies of Coussarea (Coussareae) from Central America and Colombia. Novon 11(1): 135–142. BHL Reference page.
- Taylor, C.M. 2001. Rubiaceae Juss. Pp. 2206–2284 in Stevens, W.D., Ulloa Ulloa, C., Pool, A. & Montiel, O.M. (eds.), Flora de Nicaragua, Vol. 3, Angiospermas (Pandanaceae–Zygophyllaceae). (Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 85.) Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis. Online Reference page.
- Taylor, C.M. 2002. Rubiacearum Americanarum Magna Hama Pars IX. New Species and a New Combination in Hippotis and Pentagonia (Hippotideae) from Central and Western South America. Novon 12(4): 555–562. BHL Reference page.
- Taylor, C.M. 2002. Rubiacearum Americanarum Magna Hama Pars X. New Species and a New Subspecies of Faramea (Coussareae) from Central and South America. Novon 12(4): 563–570. JSTOR
BHL Reference page.
- Taylor, C.M. 2002. Rubiacearum Americanarum Magna Hama Pars XI. A New Subspecies of Alseis (Calycophylleae) from Central America and Notes on the Morphology of this Neotropical Genus. Novon 12(4): 571–574. DOI: 10.2307/3393141
. BHL Reference page.
- Taylor, C.M., Steyermark, J.A. (†), Delprete, P.G., Vicentini, A., Cortés, R., Zappi, D., Persson, C., Costa, C.B. & Anunciação, E.A. 2004. Rubiaceae. Pp. 497–847 in Steyermark, J.A., Berry, P.E., Yatskievych, K. & Holst, B.K. (eds.), Flora of the Venezuelan Guayana, Vol. 8, Poaceae–Rubiaceae. Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis. ISBN 1-930723-36-9. Reference page.
- Anunciação, E.A., Costa, C.B., Cortés, R., Delprete, P.G., Kirkbride, J.H., Persson, C., Steyermark, J.A. (†), Taylor, C.M., Vincentini, A. & Zappi, D. 2007. Rubiaceae. In Funk, V., Hollowell, T., Berry, P., Kelloff, C. & Alexander, S.N., Checklist of the plants of the Guiana Shield (Venezuela: Amazonas, Bolivar, Delta Amacuro; Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana). Contributions from the United States National Herbarium 55: 479–507. BHL Reference page.
- Taylor, C.M., Campos, M.T.V.A. & Zappi, D. 2007. Flora da Reserva Ducke, Amazonas, Brasil: Rubiaceae. Rodriguésia 58(3): 549–616. (Portuguese) DOI: 10.1590/2175-7860200758306
BHL Reference page.
- Taylor, C.M. 2008. Rubiacearum Americanarum Magna Hama Pars XX. New Species of Faramea (Coussareae) from Central and South America. Novon 18(2): 251–260. DOI: 10.3417/2006143
. Reference page.
- Taylor, C.M. & Gereau, R.E. 2010. Rubiacearum Americanarum Magna Hama Pars XXIII: Overview of the Guettardeae Tribe in Central and South America, with Five New Species and Three New Combinations in Chomelia, Neoblakea, Pittoniotis, and Stenostomum. Novon 20(3): 351–362. DOI: 10.3417/2009045, BHL. Reference page.
- Taylor, C.M., Lorence, D.H. & Gereau, R.E. 2010. Rubiacearum Americanarum Magna Hama Pars XXV: The Nocturnally Flowering Psychotria domingensis–Coussarea hondensis Group Plus Three Other Mesoamerican Psychotria Species Transfer to Palicourea. Novon 20(4): 481–492. DOI: 10.3417/2009124
BHL Reference page.
- Chen Tao, Zhu Hua, Chen Jiarui, Taylor, C.M., Ehrendorfer, F., Lantz, H., Funston, A.M. & Puff, C. 2011. Rubiaceae. in Flora of China Vol. 19, Cucurbitaceae through Valerianaceae with Annonaceae and Berberidaceae. PDF eFloras. Reference page.
- Taylor, C.M. & Gereau, R.E. 2011. Rubiacearum Americanarum Magna Hama Pars XXVI: New Species of Hoffmannia (Hamelieae) and More Comments on the Genus. Novon 21(1): 94–117. BHL Reference page.
- Taylor, C.M., Sánchez-González, J., Hammel, B., Lorence, D.H., Persson, C., Delprete, P.G. & Gereau, R.E. 2011. Rubiacearum Americanarum Magna Hama Pars XXVIII: New taxa, new combinations, new names, and lectotypification for several species found in Mexico and Central America. Novon 21(1): 133–148. DOI: 10.3417/2009129
BHL Reference page.
- Taylor, C.M., Neill, D.A. & Gereau, R.E. 2011. Rubiacearum americanarum magna hama pars XXIX: Overview of the neotropical genus Schizocalyx (Condamineeae) and description of two new species. Novon 21(4): 496–507. DOI: 10.3417/2008095
BHL Reference page.
- Lorence, D.H. & Taylor, C.M. 2012. 207. Rubiaceae. Pp. 1–288 in Davidse, G., Sousa S., M., Knapp, S. & Chiang, F. (eds.), Flora Mesoamericana, Vol. 4, Parte 2: Rubiaceae a Verbenaceae. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México; Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis; The Natural History Museum, London. ISBN 978-1-935641-08-7. Online Reference page.
- Razafimandimbison, S.G., Taylor, C.M., Wikström, N., Pailler, T., Khodabandeh, A. & Bremer, B. 2014. Phylogeny and generic limits in the sister tribes Psychotrieae and Palicoureeae (Rubiaceae): Evolution of schizocarps in Psychotria and origins of bacterial leaf nodules of the Malagasy species. American Journal of Botany 101(7): 1102–1126. DOI: 10.3732/ajb.1400076
PDF Reference page.
- Taylor, C.M. 2014. Rubiaceae. Pp. 464–779 in Hammel, B.E., Grayum, M.H., Herrera, C. & Zamora, N. (eds.), Manual de plantas de Costa Rica, Vol. VII, Dicotiledóneas (Picramniaceae–Rutaceae). Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis. ISBN 978-1-930723-56-6. Reference page.
- Jardim, J.G., Taylor, C.M., Barbosa, M.R. & Pessoa, M. do C.R. 2015. Taxonomic notes on Chiococca and Salzmannia (Rubiaceae, Chiococceae) in northeastern Brazil, with a new combination and a new species. Phytotaxa 202(1): 15–25. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.202.1.2
Reference page.
- Taylor, C.M., Razafimandimbison, S.G., Barrabé, L., Jardim, J.G. & Barbosa, M.R.d.V. 2017. Eumachia expanded, a pantropical genus distinct from Psychotria (Rubiaceae, Palicoureeae). Candollea 72(2): 289–318. DOI: 10.15553/c2017v722a6 PDF Reference page.
- Taylor, C.M. & Jardim, J.G. 2018. Rubiacearum Americanarum Magna Hama Pars XLI: New Species, a New Section, and New Combinations in Palicourea from the Atlantic Forest of Eastern Brazil (Palicoureeae). Novon 26(3): 307–321. DOI: 10.3417/2018077
Reference page.
- Taylor, C.M. 2018. Rubiacearum Americanarum Magna Hama XLII: Taxonomic Notes and New Species for Ixora in Western South America (Ixoreae). Novon 26(4): 331–348. DOI: 10.3417/2018133
Reference page.
- Taylor, C.M. & Jardim, J.G. 2020. Rubiacearum Americanarum Magna Hama Pars XLVI: New Species and Taxonomic Changes in Faramea of Central and South America (Rubiaceae, Coussareeae). Novon 28(2): 108–142. DOI: 10.3417/2019552
. Reference page.
- Taylor, C.M. & Berger, A. 2021. Rubiacearum Americanarum Magna Hama Pars XLIX: overview of the neotropical genus Tournefortiopsis (Guettardeae), with some new species and subspecies. Novon 29: 227–265. DOI: 10.3417/2021641
Reference page.
- Taylor, C.M. & Maldonado, C. 2023. Rubiacearum Americanarum Magna Hama Pars L: New Species, Combinations, and Notes for Some South American Genera of Dialypetalantheae (Former Condamineeae). Novon 31: 36–70. DOI: 10.3417/2023779
. Reference page.