Chia Jui Chen
Chia Jui Chen or Jia Rui Chen (born 1935), Chinese botanist.
中文: 陈家瑞
IPNI standard form: C.J.Chen
Taxon names authored
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- Chen, C.J. 1982. A monograph of Pilea (Urticaceae) in China. Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin 2 (3): 1–132.
- Chen Tao, Zhu Hua, Chen Jiarui, Taylor, C.M., Ehrendorfer, F., Lantz, H., Funston, A.M. & Puff, C. 2011. Rubiaceae. in Flora of China Vol. 19, Cucurbitaceae through Valerianaceae with Annonaceae and Berberidaceae. PDF eFloras. Reference page.