Abrothallus usneae
[edit]Taxonavigation: Abrothallales |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Lichenoconiaceae
Genus: Abrothallus
Species: Abrothallus usneae
[edit]Abrothallus usneae Stein, 1879
Life habit: Lichenicolous fungus (parasite on living lichens)
Hosts: On thallus and apothecia of Usnea species, frequently overgrowing gall induced by Biatoropsis usnearum
World distribution: Known from all continents, except Antarctica.
Homotypic synonyms:
- Abrothallus usneae Rabenh., 1861
- Buellia usneae (Rabenh.) Jatta, 1900
- Buelliella usneae (Rabenh.) Fink, Lich. Fl. U.S.: 373 (1935)
- Buellia lepidophila var. usneae (Rabenh.) H. Olivier, 1905
- Buellia usneae (Rabenh.) Jatta, 1900
- Buelliella usneae (Rabenh.) Fink, Lich. Fl. U.S.: 373 (1935)
[edit]- Stein, in Cohn, Krypt.-Fl. Schlesien 2 (2): 211 (1879)
- Stein, B. (1879) Flechten. - In: Kryptogamen-Flora von Schlesien. Im Namen der Schles. Ges. f. vaterländ. Kultur herausgeg. v. Prof. Dr. Ferd. Cohn. - Jahresber. Schles. ges. f. vaterl. Cultur 2: 1–400. **[Mattick Rec.# 30038] - (Recent Literature on Lichens - Mattick No.)**
[edit]- Diederich, P. (2004) Abrothallus (pp. 626-630) In: Nash III, T.H.; Ryan, B.D.; Diederich, P.; Gries, C. and Bungartz, F. (eds.), Lichen Flora of the Greater Sonoran Desert Region, Vol. 2. Lichens Unlimited, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, 742 pages. **[RLL List # 196 / Rec.# 25981] - (Recent Literature on Lichens)** (Description of Abrothallus usneae: p. 629)
- Galløe, O. (1950) Natural History of the Danish Lihens. Part VIII. - E. Munksgaard, Copenhagen. 81 pp. **[RLL List # 4 / Rec.# 6203] - (Recent Literature on Lichens)** (Illustrations of Abrothallus usneae: plates 113-115)
- Lawrey, J.D. and Diederich, P. (2010) Lichenicolous fungi – worldwide checklist, including isolated cultures and sequences available. Internet (1/12/2011)
[edit]- North American Lichen Checklist, Version (#15) 27 Aug 2009 (Lichenicolous fungus -- parasite on living lichens)