Abrolophus zelandicus
[edit]Taxonavigation: Erythraeoidea |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Erythraeidae
Subfamilia: Abrolophinae
Genus: Abrolophus
Species: Abrolophus zelandicus
[edit]- Abrolophus zelandicus Luxton, 1989
- Authority for current placement: original
- undisputed by all subsequent authorities
- Combination(s)/spelling(s):
- Original: Abrolophus zelandicus
- Subsequent: nil
- Original genus: Abrolophus Berlese, 1891
- Original status: valid species
- Primary type: holotype
- Fixation: designated
- Description:
- Repository: NZAC, as 'Entomology Division (D.S.I.R.), Auckland, New Zealand'
- Type locality: 'Leigh'
- Authority for current placement: original
[edit]⧼Primary reference⧽
[edit]- Luxton, M. 1989. New taxa of intertidal mites (Acari). Journal of Natural History 23(2): 407–428. DOI: 10.1080/00222938900770251
. Reference page. [first availability, see p. 416 and figs. 7A,B; 8A,B,C,D]
Additional references
[edit]- Luxton, M. 1990: The marine littoral mites of the New Zealand region. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 20 (4): 367–418. DOI: 10.1080/03036758.1990.10426719 Google books
- Luxton, M. 1990: Local distribution and habitat of mites (Acari) on the sea coast of New Zealand. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 20 (4): 419–426. DOI: 10.1080/03036758.1990.10426720 Google books
- Sirvid, P.J. et al. 2010: [Chapter] SIX Phylum ARTHROPODA CHELICERATA horseshoe crabs, arachnids, sea spiders. pp. 50–89 in Gordon, D.P. (ed.): New Zealand inventory of biodiversity. Volume 2. Kingdom Animalia. Chaetognatha, Ecdysozoa, ichnofossils. Canterbury University Press, Christchurch, New Zealand. ISBN 978-1-87725793-3 [85, listed]
[edit]- EoL
- NZOR (demonstration website) [incorrectly cited as 'Abrolophus zelandicus (Luxton, 1989)']
- Qin, T.-K.; Henderson, R.C; Crosby, T.K.: Primary type specimens in the New Zealand Arthropod Collection (NZAC): Acari. Version 1 - June 1997
- ZooBank