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An editor with an interest in carnivorans in general and felids in particular. Primarily active over on en.wikipedia.



More or less personal, haphazard notes on the taxonomy of [mostly fossil] Felidae. This does not necessarily follow researcher consensus and may include my own thoughts on matters.





I should like to propose a new subfamily Amerifelinae for the New World genera Hyperailurictis and Nimravides (further research to see if other New World genera should be included)





Many of the fossil species need further investigation.

The cheetah group


Incertae sedis


A hodge-podge collection of genera & species.

These next five are all small, early felids mentioned in passing to share some similar characteristics. Perhaps a subfamily or tribe of their own?



Some further notes on a small family of feliform carnivorans, all of which are extinct. It has variously been declared a sister-family to Felidae, or a subfamily [Barbourofelinae] of the older Nimravidae.