The establishment and harmonization of a joint regional strategy for the conservation of marine ecosystems under the EU legislation framework is a major challenge for the whole Balkan-Mediterranean area. Project RECONNECT aims to establish a transnational cooperative network for the conservation of vulnerable ecosystems in MPAs and Natura 2000 sites of Greece, Cyprus, Bulgaria and Albania, and implement a common conservation strategy. One of the key goals is the development of an innovative managerial tool - a Decision Support System (DSS) integrating ecological, genetic and socio-economic aspects, to be applied on the MPAs and Natura 2000 sites. The involvement of research institutes and management authorities in the RECONNECT partnership ensures the scientific expertise for the resolution of real challenges and problems, and the successful development of sustainable management practices for MPAs facing significant pressures and threats.
The main objectives of the project are:
- identify and map key marine habitats in the study areas, and evaluate the services they provide by socio-economic and cultural approaches;
- develop instruments based on the genetic and functional biodiversity to complement the current management tools, e.g. genetic connectivity of key marine species;
- involve citizens in environmental monitoring and conservation activities, and draw in stakeholders to promote blue growth;
- create a platform for data storage, management and analysis;
- create a Decision Support System integrating biological, ecological and socio-economic data to enhance the management of MPAs and Natura 2000 sites.
The approaches developed within RECONNECT comply with current key European environmental strategies such as the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), the Europe 2020 Strategy (EU2020) and the Danube Region Strategy (EUDSR). The outcomes of the project are beneficial for local, regional and national authorities (municipalities, prefectures, ministries etc.), since they support the efficient and sustainable management of marine ecosystems. Moreover, the active involvement of citizens in the project’s framework increases public awareness and promotes the protection of these vulnerable but extremely valuable ecosystems. The citizen science initiatives focus the public attention on the environmental pressures, and stimulate a sense of common ownership for the targeted marine habitats.
The main achievement of project RECONNECT is the improved capacity of local management authorities by the promotion of efficient governance and sustainable use of natural resources and cultural heritage through a transnational approach.
The project provides publicly available resources as part of its outputs, such as:
- interactive maps integrating essential biodiversity, socio-economic and cultural variables – accessible at MedOBIS ( after registration
- citizen science platform and data:
- functional trait database of key species from the study areas:
More information on project RECONNECT: