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David S. Seldon

Entomologist: Coleopterist: Carabidologist: Systematics and Taxonomy.

Fellow of the Linnean Society.

Research Associate, Landcare Research, Auckland.

Volunteer (secondment), Entomology Department, Auckland War Memorial Museum.



Lamont SM, Vink CJ, Seldon DS, Holwell GI. 2017. Spider diversity and community composition in native broadleaf–podocarp forest fragments of northern Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 44(2): 129-143.

Seldon DS. 2015. A unique species of Mecodema (Carabidae: Broscini) from the Hawke's Bay region, New Zealand, with implications for North–South Island zoogeography. New Zealand Entomologist 38(1): 28-35.

Seldon DS, Leschen RAB, Liebherr JK. 2012. A new species of Mecodema (Carabidae: Broscini) from Northland, New Zealand, with notes on a newly observed structure within the female genitalia. New Zealand Entomologist 35(1): 39-50.

Seldon DS, Leschen RAB. 2011. Revision of the Mecodema curvidens species group (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Broscini). Zootaxa 2829: 1-45.

Seldon DS, Beggs JR. 2010. The efficacy of baited and live capture pitfall traps in collecting large-bodied forest carabids. New Zealand Entomologist 33: 30-37.

Rayner MJ, Hauber ME, Clout MN, Seldon DS, Van Dijken S, Bury S, Phillips RA. 2008. Foraging ecology of the Cook’s petrel Pterodroma cookii during the austral breeding season: a comparison of its two populations. Marine Ecology Progress Series 370: 271-284.

Suckling DM, Gibb AR, Dentener PR, Seldon DS, Clare GK, Jamieson L, Baird D, Kriticos DJ, El-Sayed AM. 2005. Uraba lugens (Lepidoptera: Nolidae) in New Zealand: Pheromone trapping for delimitation and phenology. Journal of Economic Entomology 98(4): 1187-1192.

Jamieson LE, Dymock JJ, Froud KJ, Seldon DS, Suckling DM, Gibb AR. 2004. Guava moth in New Zealand - distribution, hosts, life-cycle observations and discussion of pest management options. New Zealand Plant Protection 57: 13-19.

Jamieson LE, Dawson T, Seldon DS, Froud KJ. 2004. Green vegetable bug on macadamia nuts - a sustainable pest management system. Tree Cropper 38:13-16.


Suckling DM, Gibb AR, Dentener PR, Seldon DS, Clare GK, Kriticos DJ, El-Sayed AM, Baird D. 2004. Development and Uses of Gum Leaf Skeletoniser Sex Pheromone in Long Time Pest Management. HortResearch. Pp: 1-29.

Suckling DM, Wee SL, Pedley R, Snelling C, Barrington A, Stephens A, Chhagan A, Page N, Boxen P, Seldon DS, Baird D. 2004. Developing and Testing the Sterile Insect Technique against Painted Apple Moth II. HortResearch. Pp: 1-41.

Burnip G, El-Sayed A, Gibb AR, Suckling DM, Pedley R, Wee SL, Charles J, Chhagan A, Allan D, Stephens A, Sandanayaka M, Barrington A, Page N, Bush V, Boxen P, Seldon DS, Bunn B, Comesky D, Fielder S, Kay N, Faulds EW. 2003. Interim Report: Pest Management Tools for Painted Apple Moth Long Term Management. HortResearch. Pp: 1-31.

Jamieson LE, Seldon DS, Dawson T, Gibb AR, Suckling DM, Dymock JJ, Froud KJ, Hoare RJB. 2003. Guava moth, Coscinoptycha improbana (Lepidoptera: Carposinidae)in New Zealand - larval identification, biology, distribution, hosts and phenology. HortResearch. Pp: 1-36.

Gibb AR, Jamieson LE, Suckling DM, Stephens PS, Lo PL, Walker JTS, Seldon DS, Rodgers DJ, Moen IC, Cole LM, Mankelow D, Johnstone S. 2003. Citrus SFF Annual Report Year One. HortResearch. Pp: 1-55.