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Babel user information
fi-N Tämän käyttäjän äidinkieli on suomi.
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
es-2 Esta persona tiene un conocimiento intermedio del español.
fr-1 Cet utilisateur dispose de connaissances de base en français.
sv-1 Den här användaren har grundläggande kunskaper i svenska.

Canarian (despite of her name, born outside the Spanish Kingdom at the late 20th century) is an occasional Wikipedia user, who usually writes articles to Finnish Wikipedia or even more often translates them from English or Spanish Wikipedia. She also sometimes tries to classify/identify images in Wikimedia Commons and merge items or add links to Wikidata. She is also a big fan of Wikiquote, especially Lost and Casablanca quotes.


This has actually nothing to do with her.

The name Canarian has been directed from the Canary Islands.

Personal life


Because Canarian doesn't have better things to do in her life, she can often be seen updating Wikipedia articles or adding photos to Wikimedia Commons even in the middle of the night when normal people are sleeping. Sometimes when she steps out the Wikipedia world, she also enjoys travels to sunny places and listening to music. Somehow she has also managed to receive a higher degree education, despite of dedicating her life to Wikipedia.



See the boxes on the right.

Favourite Species


Canarian likes most the following species.









Works in Wikimedia


Wikipedia Articles


Canarian has modified the following articles in Finnish Wikipedia, and she has also started many of them:

In addition, she has started some articles without being logged in as Canarian.

Wikimedia Commons Images


Canarian has uploaded the following images to Wikimedia:

Any photo to which Canarian owns the copyrights can be used freely in internet under the condition that you don't claim it to be your own photo, and preferably you also mention its original source. You can check the complete copyright license from each photos Wikimedia Commons page.

Wikiquote Quotes


Canarian has added some quotes from the following persons/movies/books or translations to the Finnish Wikipedia:

Canarian in Other Wikimedia Projects
