Trees and Shrubs Indigenous in Japan Proper
- Title: Trees and Shrubs Indigenous in Japan Proper
- Abbreviation: Trees Shrubs Japan
- Author: Takenoshin Nakai
- Published: v. 1, 1922. 2ª ed. 1927.
- Publisher: Seibido Shoten, Nihombashi. Tokyo
- City: Tokyo
(List may be incomplete)
- Nakai, T. 1922. Trees and Shrubs Indigenous in Japan Proper. Vol. 1. 511 pp., Tokyo. BHL Reference page.
- Nakai, T. & Koidzumi, G. 1927. Trees and Shrubs Indigenous in Japan Proper, Revised and enlarged edition. Vol. 1. 714 pp. + 58 pp. (Index) Tokyo: Seibido Shoten. DOI: 10.11501/1224919
Reference page.