Toyokazu Shimonoya
Toyokazu Shimonoya Japanese Entomologist
Taxon names authored
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(List may be incomplete)
[edit]- Murayama, S. & Shimonoya, T. 1962. On some interesting butterflies from Formosa with descriptions of 2 new species, 2 new races and 7 new aberrant forms. Tyô to Ga 13(3) 51–59. Full article (PDF). Reference page.
[edit]- Shimonoya, T. & Murayama, S., 1965. Taxonomic notes on some unrecorded species, forms and little-know species of Rhopalocera from Formosa. [In Japanese]. Tohoku Konchu Kenkyu 2(2): 26-30, pls 2,3. Reference page.
[edit]- Murayama, S. & Shimonoya, T., 1966. Some Formosan Butterflies of new species, new race, new aberrant forms or little known species and forms. Transactions of the Lepidopterological Society of Japan 26: 58–67. pdf. Reference page.
[edit]- Murayama, S. & Shimonoya, T. 1968. A contribution to taxonomy of the Formosan butterflies, with descriptions of 1 new species, 1 new race, 1 unrecorded species, and 11 new aberrant forms. New Entomologist 17 (1) 1–16. Reference page.
[edit]- Shimonoya, T. & Murayama, S., 1971. Two new Chrysozephyrus species from Formosa (Taiwan). Tyo-to-Ga 22(1,2): 18-19, 11 figs. Reference page.
[edit]- Shimonoya & Murayama, 1976. Remarks on some Formosan Rhopalocera with description of two new species... Tyo To Ga 27(2): 43-48 pdf. Reference page.