Tiiu Märss
Tiiu Märss, Estonian geologist and paleontologist.
- Institute of Geology at Tallinn University of Technology, Ehitajate Road 5, 19086 Tallinn, Estonia.
- E-mail: Tiiu.Marss
Taxon names authored
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[edit]- Märss, T. & Ritchie, A. 1998. Silurian thelodonts (Agnatha) of Scotland. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences 88: 143–195. Reference page.
[edit]- Märss, T. 1999. A new Late Silurian or Early Devonian thelodont from the Boothia Peninsula, Arctic Canada. Palaeontology 42: 1079–1099. Reference page.
[edit]- Märss, T. 2001. Andreolepis (Actinopterygii) in the Upper Silurian of northern Eurasia. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Geology 50(3): 174–189. PDF Reference page.
- Soehn, K.L., Märss, T., Caldwell, M.W. & Wilson, M.V.H. 2001. New and biostratigraphically useful thelodonts from the Silurian of the Mackenzie Mountains, Northwest Territories, Canada. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 21: 651-659. Reference page.
[edit]- Märss, T., Wilson, M.V.H. & Thorsteinsson, R. 2002. New thelodont (Agnatha) and possible chondrichthyan (Gnathostomata) taxa established in the Silurian and Lower Devonian of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Geology 51 (2): 88–120. Reference page.
- Märss, T. & Karatajūtė-Talimaa, V.N. 2002. Ordovician and Lower Silurian thelodonts of Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago. Geodiversitas 24: 381–404. Reference page.
- Karatajūtė-Talimaa, V.N. & Märss, T. 2002. Upper Silurian thelodonts of Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago. Geodiversitas 24: 405-443. Reference page.
- Blom, H., Märss, T. & Miller, C.G. 2002. Silurian and earliest Devonian birkeniid anaspids from the Northern Hemisphere. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Earth Sciences 92[2001]: 263–323. Reference page.
[edit]- Märss, T. 2006. Thelodonts (Agnatha) from the basal beds of the Kuressaare Stage, Ludlow, Upper Silurian of Estonia. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Geology 55: 43–66. Reference page.
[edit]- Märss, T. & Wilson, M.V. 2008. Buccopharyngo-Branchial Denticles of Phlebolepis elegans Pander (Thelodonti, Agnatha). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 28(3): 601–612. Reference page.
[edit]- Märss, T. & Karatajūtė-Talimaa, V.N. 2009. Late Silurian-Early Devonian tessellated heterostracan Oniscolepis Pander, 1856 from the East Baltic and North Timan. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 58(1): 43–62. DOI: 10.3176/earth.2009.1.05 Reference page.
- Wilson, M.V.H. & Märss, T. 2009. Theolodont phylogeny revisited, with inclusion of key scale-based taxa. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 58(4): 297–310. (PDF) Reference page.
[edit]- Blom, H. & Märss, T. 2010. The interrelationships and evolutionary history of anaspids. Pp. 45-58 in: Elliott, D.K., Maisey, J.G., Yu, X. & Miao, D. (eds): Morphology, Phylogeny and Paleobiogeography of Fossil Fishes. Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, München. Reference page.
[edit]- Märss, T., Afanassieva, O. & Blom, H. 2014. Biodiversity of the Silurian osteostracans of the East Baltic. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 105(2): 73–148. DOI: 10.1017/S1755691014000218 Reference page.
[edit]- Märss, T. 2019. Silurian cyathaspidid heterostracans of Northern Eurasia. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 68(3): 113–146. DOI: 10.3176/earth.2019.11
Reference page.