Teun Boekhout
Teun Boekhout (born 1955), Dutch mycologist.
IPNI standard form: Boekhout
CBS-KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Centre, PO Box 85167, 3508 AD Utrecht, The Netherlands
Taxon names authored
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- Fell, J.W., Roejimans, H. & Boekhout, T. 1999. Cystofilobasidiales, a new order of basidiomycetous yeasts. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 49: 907–913. DOI: 10.1099/00207713-49-2-907 Reference page.
- Boekhout, T., Theelen, B., Houbraken, J., Robert, V., Scorzetti, G., Gafni, A., Gerson, U. & Sztejnberg, A. 2003. Novel anamorphic mite-associated fungi belonging to the Ustilaginomycetes: Meira geulakonigii gen. nov., sp. nov., Meira argovae sp. nov. and Acaromyces ingoldii gen. nov., sp. nov. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 53(5): 1655–1664. DOI: 10.1099/ijs.0.02434-0
. ResearchGate
. Reference page.
- Liu, X.-Z., Wang, Q.-M., Boekhout, T. & Bai, F.-Y. 2012. Derxomyces amylogenes sp. nov., Derxomyces bambusicola sp. nov. and Derxomyces corylopsis sp. nov., three ballistoconidium-forming yeast species isolated from subtropical plant leaves. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 62(4): 996–1001. DOI: 10.1099/ijs.0.033241-0
. ResearchGate
. Reference page.
- Crous, P.W., Wingfield, M.J., Guarro, J.,Hernández-Restrepo, M., Sutton, D.A., Acharya, K., Barber, P.A., Boekhout, T., Dimitrov, R.A., Dueñas, M., Dutta, A.K., Gené, J., Gouliamova, D.E., Groenewald, M., Lombard, L., Morozova, O.V., Sarkar, J., Smith, M.TH., Stchigel, A.M., Wiederhold, N.P., Alexandrova, A.V., Antelmi, I., Armengol, J., Barnes, I., Cano-Lira, J.F., Castañeda Ruíz, R.F., Contu, M., Courtecuisse, Pr.R., da Silveira, A.L., Decock, C.A., de Goes, A., Edathodu, J., Ercole, E., Firmino, A.C., Fourie, A., Fournier, J., Furtado, E.L., Geering, A.D.W., Gershenzon, J., Giraldo, A., Gramaje, D., Hammerbacher, A., He, X.-L., Haryadi, D., Khemmuk, W., Kovalenko, A.E., Krawczynski, R., Laich, F., Lechat, C., Lopes, U.P., Madrid, H., Malysheva, E.F., Marín-Felix, Y., Martín, M.P., Mostert, L., Nigro, F., Pereira, O.L., Picillo, B., Pinho, D.B., Popov, E.S., Peláez, C.A. Rodas, Rooney-Latham, S., Sandoval-Denis, M., Shivas, R.G., Silva, V., Stoilova-Disheva, M.M., Telleria, M.T., Ullah, C., Unsicker, S.B., van der Merwe, N.A., Vizzini, A., Wagner, H.-G., Wong, P.T.W., Wood, A.R. & Groenewald, J.Z. 2015. Fungal Planet description sheets: 320–370. Persoonia: Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi 34: 167–266. DOI: 10.3767/003158515X688433
. ResearchGate
. Reference page.
- Liu, X.-Z., Wang, Q.-M., Göker, M., Groenewald, M., Kachalkin, A.V., Lumbsch, H.T., Millanes, A.M., Wedin, M., Yurkov, A.M., Boekhout, T. & Bai, F.-Y. 2015. Towards an integrated phylogenetic classification of the Tremellomycetes. Studies in Mycology 81: 85–147. DOI: 10.1016/j.simyco.2015.12.001
. ResearchGate
. Reference page.
- Hagen, F., Khayhan, K., Theelen, B., Kolecka, A., Polacheck, I., Sionov, E., Falk, R., Parnmen, S., Lumbsch, H.T. & Boekhout, T. 2015. Recognition of seven species in the Cryptococcus gattii/Cryptococcus neoformans species complex. Fungal Genetics and Biology 78: 16–48. DOI: 10.1016/j.fgb.2015.02.009 [1] Reference page.
- Wang, Q.-M., Yurkov, A.M., Göker, M., Lumbsch, H.T., Leavitt, S.D., Groenewald, M., Theelen, B., Liu, X.Z., Boekhout, T. & Bai, F.Y. 2015. Phylogenetic classification of yeasts and related taxa within Pucciniomycotina. Studies in Mycology 81: 149–189. DOI: 10.1016/j.simyco.2015.12.002
. ResearchGate
. Reference page.
- Wang, Q.-M., Begerow, D., Groenewald, M., Liu, X.-Z., Theelen, B., Bai, F.-Y. & Boekhout, T. 2015. Multigene phylogeny and taxonomic revision of yeasts and related fungi in the Ustilaginomycotina. Studies in Mycology 81: 55–83. DOI: 10.1016/j.simyco.2015.10.004
. ResearchGate
. Reference page.
- He, M.-Q., Zhao, R.-L., Hyde, K.D., Begerow, D., Kemler, M., Yurkov, A., McKenzie, E.H.C., Raspé, O., Kakishima, M., Sánchez-Ramirez, S., Vellinga, E.C., Halling, R., Papp, V., Zmitrovich, I.V., Buyck, B., Ertz, D., Wijayawardene, N.N., Cui, B.-K., Schoutteten, N., Liu, X.-Z., Li, T.-H., Yao, Y.-J., Zhu, X.-Y., Liu, A.-Q., Li, G.-J., Zhang, M.-Z., Ling, Z.-L., Cao, B., Antonín, V., Boekhout, T., Silva, B.D.B., De Crop, E., Decock, C., Dima, B., Dutta, A.K., Fell, J.W., Geml, J., Ghobad-Nejhad, M., Giachini, A.J., Gibertoni, T.B., Gorjón, S.P., Haelewaters, D., He, S.-H., Hodkinson, B.P., Horak, E., Hoshino, T., Justo, A., Lim, Y.-W., Menolli, N., Mešić, A., Moncalvo, J.-M., Mueller, G.M., Nagy, L.G., Nilsson, R.H., Noordeloos, M.E., Nuytinck, J., Orihara, T., Cheewangkoon, R., Rajchenberg, M., Silva-Filho, A.G.S., Sulzbacher, M.A., Tkalčec, Z., Valenzuela, R., Verbeken, A.T., Vizzini, A., Wartchow, F., Wei, T.-Z., Weiß, M., Zhao, C.-L. & Kirk, P.M. 2019. Notes, outline and divergence times of Basidiomycota. Fungal Diversity 99: 105–367. DOI: 10.1007/s13225-019-00435-4
. ResearchGate
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