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Template talk:Murakami, 1942

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List of treated taxa


This list is automatically generated from data in Wikidata and is periodically updated by Listeriabot.
Edits made within the list area will be removed on the next update!

Taxon Reference role Page(s) BHL Plazi image
Amphiura (Amphiura) trachydisca taxonomic treatment 19
Ophiopholis aculeata var. japonica taxonomic treatment 9
Ophiura monostoecha taxonomic treatment 28
Amphioplus (Amphioplus) macraspis taxonomic treatment 9
Pectinura anchista taxonomic treatment 33
Amphioplus (Amphioplus) rhadinobrachius taxonomic treatment 9-10
Aspidophiura uniumbonata first valid description 21-22
Ophiochiton fastigatus taxonomic treatment 33-34
Ophiolimna diastata taxonomic treatment 2
Ophiurodon acanthophora first valid description 31-33
Ophiura flagellata taxonomic treatment 45
Ophiophthalmus normani taxonomic treatment 3
Ophiactis macrolepidota taxonomic treatment 8
Stegophiura sculpta taxonomic treatment 27
Ophiacantha pentagona taxonomic treatment 5
Ophioleuce charischema taxonomic treatment 31
Ophiactis savignyi taxonomic treatment 8
Stegophiura rhabdotoplax first valid description 25-27
Ophiocentrus verticillatus taxonomic treatment 20
Ophionephthys octacantha taxonomic treatment 19-20
Ophionereis porrecta taxonomic treatment 34
Stegophiura vivipara taxonomic treatment 28
Amphiura leptobrachia taxonomic treatment 12-14
Ophiura micracantha taxonomic treatment 28
Amphiura kandai first valid description 11-12
Amphipholis kochii taxonomic treatment 10
Ophiura kinbergi taxonomic treatment 28
Ophiomusium cancellatum taxonomic treatment 29
Ophiothrix (Ophiothrix) koreana taxonomic treatment 20
Ophiophthalmus cataleimmoidus taxonomic treatment 3
Amphipholis sobrina taxonomic treatment 10
Amphiura arcystata taxonomic treatment 11
Ophiopholis brachyactis taxonomic treatment 9
Ophiomastix mixta taxonomic treatment 62
Ophiacantha mitsuii first valid description 3-5
Ophiothamnus venustus taxonomic treatment 13
Amphiura pachybactra first valid description 17-19
Ophiozonella longispina taxonomic treatment 29
Amphiura macraspis first valid description 14-16
Stegophiura sterea taxonomic treatment 27
Ophiocoma brevipes taxonomic treatment 34
Ophiura ooplax taxonomic treatment 29
Ophiozona oedilepis first valid description 29-31
Ophiacantha acanthinotata taxonomic treatment 3
Ophiophrura liodisca taxonomic treatment 2
Ophiogymna elegans taxonomic treatment 20
Amphioplus (Amphioplus) ancistrotus taxonomic treatment 9
Ophiacantha inutilis taxonomic treatment 3
Ophiacantha adiaphora taxonomic treatment 3
Amphiura megapoma first valid description 16-17
Ophiocrasis marktanneri taxonomic treatment 34
Stegophiura liodisca first valid description 23-25
Ophiacantha rhachophora taxonomic treatment 5-6
Amphilepis diastata first valid description 6-8
Ophiothela danae taxonomic treatment 20
Amphiacantha acanthina taxonomic treatment 10
Ophiarachnella gorgonia taxonomic treatment 33
Ophiactis plana taxonomic treatment 8
Ophiomitrella stellifera taxonomic treatment 2
Ophiologimus hexactis taxonomic treatment 1-2
Ophioplocus japonicus taxonomic treatment 31
Amphipholis japonica taxonomic treatment 10
End of auto-generated list.