Template:Chevalier, 1920/doc

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The template can also be used for separate chapters and pages authored by A. Chevalier in this volume. In this case use as {{Chevalier, 1920|1|2|3}}

  • the first one (optional): title of chapter.
  • the second one (optional): range of pages of this chapter.
  • the third one (optional): page number from URL of page at Biblioteca Digital del Real Jardín Botánico, e.g. "121" will produce a link to https://bibdigital.rjb.csic.es/viewer/14222/#page=121&viewer=picture&o=bookmark&n=0&q=

So for example, {{Chevalier, 1920|Ochnacées|106–109|121}} will produce the following reference:

  • Chevalier, A. 1920. Ochnacées. Pp. 106–109 in Exploration botanique de l'Afrique occidentale française, Tome I, Énumération des plantes récoltées avec une carte botanique, agricole et forestière. Paul Lechevallier, Paris. Biblioteca Digital Reference page