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  • Chile
    • Source: Lawrence (2001)
  • New Zealand
    • Source: according to Lawrence (2005: 443), 'the unusual Chilean genus Stenocyphon Lawrence appears to be related to undescribed taxa from Australia and New Zealand'. I consider the New Zealand taxon to be referable to Stenocyphon, currently the only nominal genus in the Stenocyphoninae, pending further research, as they appear to share the unusual blade-like ovipositor
  • ?Australia
    • Source: according to Lawrence (2001: 357), 'a second closely related form has been seen from Tasmania. This species, which is known from two females only, has most of the features of Stenocyphon; however, the extruded ovipositor on one of the specimens is of a more typical scirtid type, with apically articulated styli. For this reason, it has not been included in the genus, and its description must await the discovery of male specimens'. According to Lawrence (2005: 443), 'the unusual Chilean genus Stenocyphon Lawrence appears to be related to undescribed taxa from Australia and New Zealand'.


  • Lawrence, J.F. 2001: A new genus of Valdivian Scirtidae (Coleoptera) with comments on Scirtoidea and the beetle suborders. Special publication of the Japan Coleopterological Society Osaka, (1): 351-361.
  • Lawrence, J.F. 2005: 15.4. Scirtidae Fleming, 1821. Pp. 443-450 in: Beutel, R.G. & Leschen, R.A.B. (volume eds.) Coleoptera, Beetles. Volume 1: Morphology and systematics (Archostemata, Adephaga, Myxophaga, Polyphaga partim). In: Kristensen, N.P. & Beutel, R.G. (eds.) Handbook of zoology. A natural history of the phyla of the animal kingdom. Volume IV. Arthropoda: Insecta. Part 38. Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter. ISBN 3-11-017130-9
Stenocyphon n. sp., from New Zealand