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Vernacular name for stoat that could cause confusion


Lobster was a 19th century Norfolk name for the stoat, Mustela erminea:

"A Middlesex man would probably be much surprised to hear a Norfolk farmer talk of the havoc made among game and poultry by lobsters, and, on the matter being explained, would doubtless think lobster a mighty absurd appellation for the common stoat. But, in Katterfelto’s phrase, there is a reason for everything, if people only knew it. The same animal is, in Yorkshire, called a clubster, or clubstart—i.e. clubtail. The Norfolk and Yorkshire terms are evidently allied in origin, and both express the idea meant to be conveyed, viz. an animal with a thick tuft on its tail."

From: The Quarterly Review September & December 1836: Vol 57, p90 Kylenano (talk) 09:14, 13 November 2022 (UTC)Reply