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Kukenthal 1905: Strawberry Corals. Greatly bunched, bushy colonies. Common in many areas of the tropical Indo-Pacific. Lack zooxanthellae, dependent of nano-plankton and dissolved organics for food. Some grow exposed, many others in caves, sheltered settings, mostly "upside down". Some 250 species are said to exist... not able to be discerned in the field... must be microscopically examined.

The glow emitted by Dendra, derived from the sea coral Dendronephthya, makes it possible to precisely label an object, such as a cell, organelle, or protein, with a flash of light and then to follow the object's movement over time.

The light source of the laser-scanning confocal microscopes that researchers commonly use to peer into living cells can activate the tag, which should make the new tool useful to many scientists.

pictures of Dendronephthya