Talk:Artena uncinata

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  • The Code allows descriptions based either on a holotype + paratypes or on a series of equally important syntypes. They are two alternative systems.

If the series is homogeneous (e.g. identical specimens from the same locality and ideally also close enough dates), I usually prefer to follow the second approach. In fact, in this way all the specimens are primary types and if one gets damaged, any other one has the same value as name bearing type.

After the first system, instead, the primary type (that bearing the name of the taxon on it) is only one (viz. the holotype), as the paratypes are just secondary ones. If the holotype gets damaged, for being replaced it must really dissolve into molecules, as if only one piece of legs or antennae is left, no paratype can be upgraded to primary status (as “neotype”) to replace it.

In the case of Artena uncinata, the species was based on five syntypes. They are the primary types of the new species and will have to be recorded straightforward as such. — The preceding unsigned comment was added by PeterR (talkcontribs) 11:49, 12 August 2020‎.