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  • Styloxys Gozis, 1886: 15 (species included: rugosus). Type species: Staphylinus rugosus Fabricius, fixed by monotypy.
  • Oxytelodes Bernhauer, 1908d: 290 (species included: holdhausi). Type species: Oxytelodes holdhausi Bernhauer, fixed by monotypy.
  • Emopotylus Bernhauer, 1910b: 359 (subgenus of Oxytelus; species included: cuernavacanus). Type species: Oxytelus (Emopotylus) cuernavacanus Bernhauer, fixed by monotypy.
  • Boettcherinus Bernhauer, 1936b: 82 (species included: planaticollis, cornutus, militaris, bispinosus, bidentatus). Type species: Oxytelus (Boettcherinus) planaticollis Bernhauer, fixed by subsequent designation by Blackwelder, 1952: 79.
  • Oncoparia Bernhauer, 1936d: 214 (species included: parasita). Type species: Oncoparia parasita Bernhauer, fixed by monotypy.
  • Paracaccoporus Steel, 1948: 188 (subgenus of Oxytelus; species included: ocularis). Type species: Oxytelus ocularis Fauvel, fixed by original designation and monotypy.
  • Oxytelosus Cameron, 1950c: 92 (species included: abnornalis “and no doubt” mirus). Type species: Oxytelus abnormalis Cameron, fixed by virtual monotypy
  • Microxytelus Fagel, 1956b: 272 (species included: nitidifrons). Type species: Oxytelus nitidifrons Wollaston, fixed by original designation and monotypy.
  • Oxytelops Fagel, 1956b: 273 (species included: tetracarinatus). Type species: Staphylinus tetracarinatus Block, fixed by original designation and monotypy
  • Pseudodelopsis Fagel, 1957: 3 (species included: scotti, tolaensis, lungwensis). TYPE SPECIES: Pseudodelopsis scotti Fagel, fixed by original designation.
  • Anotylops Fagel, 1957: 8 (species included: seydeli). Type species: Anotylops seydeli Fagel, fixed by original designation and monotypy.
  • Metoxytelus Coiffait and Saiz, 1968: 422 (species included: sulcicollis). Type species: Oxytelus sulcicollis Gemminger and Harold, fixed by original designation and monotypy.
  • Neoplatystethus Abdullah and Qadri, 1970: 127 (species included: hameedi, meccii). Type species: Neoplatystethus hameedi Abdullah and Qadri, fixed by original designation.
  • Pseudoplatystethus Abdullah and Qadri, 1970: 129 (subgenus of Neoplatystethus; species included: meccii). Type species: Neoplatystethus (Pseudoplatystethus) meccii Abdullah and Qadri, fixed by original designation.
  • Neopyctocraerus Abdullah and Qadri, 1970: 126 (species included: shafqati). Type species: Neopyctocraerus shafqati Abdullah and Qadri, fixed by original designation and monotypy.
  • Pseudopyctocraerus Abdullah and Qadri, 1970: 125 (subgenus of Platystethus; species included: mahmoodi). Type species: Platystethus (Pseudopyctocraerus) mahmoodi Abdullah and Qadri, fixed by original designation.