Sven Gustaf Heding
Sven Gustaf Heding, Danish zoologist.
Taxon names authored
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[edit]- Heding, S.G. 1928. Papers from Dr. Th. Mortensen's Pacific Expedition 1914—16. XLVI. Synaptidæ. Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening i Kjøbenhavn. 85: 105–323. BHL. Reference page.
[edit]- Heding, S.G. 1935. The Scoresby Sound Committee's 2nd East Greenland Expedition in 1932 to King Christian IX's Land. Echinoderms. Meddelelser om Grønland. 104(13): 1–68. Reference page.
- Heding, S.G. 1935. Holothurioidea. Part I. Apoda. — Molpadioidea. — Gephyrothurioidea. The Danish Ingolf-Expedition. 4(9): 1–84. BHL. Reference page.
[edit]- Heding, S.G. 1940. Die Holothurien der Deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition. II. - Aspidochirote und Elasipode Formen. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition. 24: 317–375. Reference page.
[edit]- Heding, S.G. 1942. Holothurioidea. Part II. Aspidochirota - Elasipoda - Dendrochirota. Danish Ingolf expedition 1895-1896. 4(13): 3–39. Reference page.
[edit]- Heding, S.G. & Panning, A. 1954. Phyllophoridae. Eine Bearbeitung der polytentaculaten dendrochiroten Holothurien des Zoologischen Museums in Kopenhagen. Spolia Zoologica Musei Hauniensis 13: 1–209. Reference page.