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Nototrichium sandwicense

From Wikispecies
Nototrichium sandwicense


Taxonavigation: Caryophyllales 
Classification System: APG IV

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Cladus: Angiosperms
Cladus: Eudicots
Cladus: Core eudicots
Ordo: Caryophyllales

Familia: Amaranthaceae s.l.
Cladus: Amaranthaceae s.str.
Subfamilia: Amaranthoideae
Genus: Nototrichium
Species: Nototrichium sandwicense



Nototrichium sandwicense (A.Gray) Hillebr., Fl. Hawaiian Isl. [Hillebrand] 373. (1888)


  • Basionym
    • Ptilotus sandwicensis A.Gray ex H.Mann, Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 7: 200. (1867)
      • Lectotype (designated by Sherff 1951, Bot. Leafl. 4: 6.): Hawai`i s.l. 1851-1855, J. Rémy 207'. Lectotype: GH GH00037133. Isolectotypes: BISH, F, NY.
      • Additional syntype: Hawai`i, U.S. Expl. Exped. s.n. (US).
  • Homotypic
    • Psilotrichum sandwicense (A.Gray) Seem., Fl. Vit. 198. (1867)
  • Heterotypic (ref. Hassler 2019)
    • Nototrichium fulvum Schinz, Vierteljahrsschr. Naturf. Ges. Zürich 76: 142. (1931)
      • Type: Kaua`i: Kaholuamanu, above Waimea, between forks of Waimea River [on exposed slope on ridge up to Kaholuamanu at 2500 ft]. 24-30 Sept. 1895. A.A. Heller 2831. Holotype: Z. Isotypes: BISH, MO, NY, US.
    • Nototrichium sandwicense var. decipiens Sherff, Bot. Leafl. 2: 2. (1950)
      • Type: Kaua`i: [on ridge up to Kaholuamanu] Kaholuamanoa, [between forks of Waimea River], on open exposed slope.2500ft. 24 Sept. 1895. A.A. Heller 2831. Holotype: US. Isotypes: BISH, MO, NY , Z.
    • Nototrichium sandwicense var. dubium Sherff, Sherff, Bot. Leafl. 2: 2. (1950)
      • Type: Maui: [East Maui], S slope of Haleakala, Manawainui, on side of gulch. 3 March 1920. C.N. Forbes 1816. Holotype: BISH BISH1005543. Isotypes: BISH (2), PTBG, US.
    • Nototrichium sandwicense var. forbesii Sherff, Bot. Leafl. 2: 2. (1950)
      • Type: Moloka`i: Mauna Loa. June 1912. C.N. Forbes 3.Mo. Holotype: NY NY00341952. Isotypes: BISH (2), MO, US (2).
    • Nototrichium sandwicense var. helleri Sherff, Bot. Leafl. 1: 3. (1950)
      • Type: Kaua`i: Kaholuamanu, above Waimea, between forks of Waimea River. 4-30 September 1895. A.A. Heller 2831. Holotype: F. Isotype: GH.
    • Ptilotus sandwicensis var. kavaiensis A.Gray, in Mann, Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 7: 200. (1867)
      • Type: Kaua`i: s.l. U.S. Expl. Exped. s.n. 1840. Holotype: US.
    • Psilotrichum sandwicense var. kauaiense (A.Gray) Drake, Ill. fl. ins. pacif. 270. (1886)
    • Nototrichium sandwicense var. kauaiense (A.Gray) Hillebr., Fl. Hawaiian Isl. 373. 1888.
    • Nototrichium sandwicense var. kolekolense Sherff, Bot. Leafl. 1: 3. (1950)
      • Type: Moloka`i: on slopes of Pu`u Kolekole. 9 July 1912. C.N. Forbes 179. Holotype: F. Isotypes: BISH {2).
    • Nototrichium sandwicense var. lanaiense Sherff, Bot. Leafl. 1: 3. (1950)
      • Type: Lana`i: W end [of island], in dry forests. June 1913. C.N. Forbes 155.L. Holotype: BISH BISH1005552. Isotypes: BISH, US.
    • Nototrichium sandwicense var. lanceolatum Sherff, Bot. Leafl. 1: 3. (1950)
      • Type: Hawai`i: Kona, Pu`uwa`awa`a. August 1917. J.F. Rock 12973. Holotype: BISH. Isotype: BISH.
    • Nototrichium sandwicense var. latifolium Sherff, Bot. Leafl. 1: 3. (1950)
      • Type: Lana`i: Maunalei Gorge. 30 July 1910. J.F. Rock & J.S. Hammond 8117. Holotype: GH GH00037124. Isotype: BISH.
    • Nototrichium sandwicense var. leptopodum O.Deg. & Sherff, in Sherff, Bot. Leafl. 1: 2. 1950.
      • Type: Maui: Nakaohu, on `a`a lava waste. 23 December 1948. O. Degener 19341. Holotype: F F0047632F. Isotypes: BISH, US.
    • Nototrichium sandwicense var. longespicatum Hillebr., Fl. Hawaiian Isl. 373. (1888), (as "longe-spicatum")
      • Lectotype (designated by Sherff 1951, Bot. Leafl. 4: 9.): Maui: West Maui. W. Hillebrand s.n.. Lectotype: B (destroyed).
      • Neotype (designated by H.St. John 1979, Phytologia 42: 27.): Moloka`i: Settlement Trail [Kalaupapa]. June 1912. C.N. Forbes 43.Mo. Neotype: BISH BISH1005560. Isoneotypes: BISH (2), NY, US US00462171.
      • Additional syntype: Moloka`i, Kalaupapa, Hillebrand s.n. See neotypification.
    • Psilotrichum sandwicense var. longespicatum (Hillebr.) Drake, Ill. fl. ins. pacif. 270. (1886)
    • Nototrichium sandwicense var. macrophyllum Sherff, Bot. Leafl. 1: 2. (1950)
      • Type: Hawai`i: Ka`u, Hilea, between Hilea and Honu`apo, Government Road, old `a`a laval flow. 125ft. 3 June 1927. G.W. Russ s.n.. Holotype: BISH BISH1005561. Isotype: BISH.
    • Nototrichium sandwicense var. mauiense O.Deg. & Sherff, in Sherff, Bot. Leafl. 2: 3. (1950)
      • Type: Maui: from Papawai Point, toward Pu`u Anu through Manawainui Gulch, arid region near cliff. 12 July 1927. O. Degener & H. Wiebke 3341. Holotype: NY NY00341956.
    • Nototrichium sandwicense var. niihauense H.St.John, Pacific Sci. 13: 166. 1959.
      • Type: Ni`ihau: first valley W of Ka`ali Cliff, top of steep basalt talus. 100ft. 16 August 1947. H.St. John 22830. Holotype: BISH BISH1005563. Isotype: BISH.
    • Nototrichium sandwicense var. olokeleanum Sherff, Bot. Leafl. 2: 3. (1950)
      • Type: Kaua`i: Olokele Canyon. 1500ft. September 1909. J.F. Rock 5422. Holotype: GH GH00037126. Isotypes: BISH (3), US.
    • Nototrichium sandwicense var. pulchelloides O.Deg. & Sherff, in Sherff, Bot. Leafl. 3: 2. 1951.
      • Type: Moloka`i: West Moloka`i, near Waiahewahewa Gulch, on cliff, in last relic of arid forest. 18 April 1928. O. Degener 9869. Holotype: NY.
    • Nototrichium sandwicense var. pulchellum Sherff, Bot. Leafl. 2: 3. (1950)
      • Type: Moloka`i: western Moloka`i, Mahana. February 1910. J.F. Rock s.n.. Holotype: GH GH00037127. Isotypes: BISH (2), NY.
    • Nototrichium sandwicense var. subcordatum O.Deg. & Sherff, in Sherff, Bot. Leafl. 1: 3. 1950.
      • Type: Hawai`i: ca. 17 mi from Kohala toward Waimea. 13 August 1926. O. Degener 9873. Holotype: NY.
    • Nototrichium sandwicense var. syringifolium Sherff, Bot. Leafl. 1: 2. (1950)
      • Type: 1851- 1871, W. Hillebrand s.n.. Holotype: K.
    • Nototrichium viride Hillebr., Fl. Hawaiian Isl. 373. (1888)
      • Type: Kaua`i: Hanapepe. 1864- 1865. H. Mann & W.T. Brigham 590. Holotype: CU. Isotypes: B [PD, fragment BISH], BISH, K, NY, US.
    • Psilotrichum viride (Hillebr.) Drake, Ill. Fl. Ins. Pacif. 270. (1892)
    • Nototrichium viride var. kalaupapae H.St.John, Phytologia 45: 295. (1980)
      • Type: Moloka`i: Kalaupapa, `Uau Crater [Pu`u Uao], inside crater. 8 March 1974. B. Harrison & W.C.s.n.. Holotype: BISH.
    • Nototrichium viride var. oblongifolium Sherff, Bot. Leafl. 2: 3. (1950)
      • Type: Kaua`i: Waimea, rocky places of mountains. March 1910. U. Faurie 1070. Holotype: G-DEL. Isotype: BISH.
    • Nototrichium viride var. subtruncatum Sherff, Bot. Leafl. 2: 4. (1950)
      • Type: O`ahu: Kawaihapae [Kawaihapai]. March 1932. G.W. Russ s.n.. Holotype: BISH.


Native distribution areas:
  • Pacific
    • North-Central Pacific
      • Hawaii (Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Lanai, Maui, Kahoolawe Isl., Hawaii Isl.)

References: Brummitt, R.K. 2001. TDWG – World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions, 2nd Edition



Primary references


Vernacular names

English: Hawai'i rockwort
Hawaiʻi: Kuluʻī
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