Oleg Anatolievich Lebedev
Oleg Anatolievich Lebedev (12 October 1957 –), Russian palaeontologist.
- Borissiak Palaeontological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
- E-mail: olebed
русский: Олег Анатольевич Лебедев
Abbreviation standard form: O.A. Lebedev
Taxon names authored
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- Vorobyeva, E.I. & Lebedev, O.A. 1986. Peregrinia krasnovi — новый вид глиптопомин (Crossopterygii) [Peregrinia krasnovi — a new species of glyptopomines (Crossopterygii)]. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal 1986(3): 123–126. (Russian) Reference page.
- Lebedev, O.A. 1996. Fish Assemblages in the Tournaisian-Viséan environments of the East European Platform. Pp. 387–415 in: Strogen, P., Somerville, I.D. & Jones, G.L. (eds.): Recent Advances in Lower Carboniferous Geology. Geological Society Special Publications 107. Reference page.
- Lebedev, O.A. 2001. (Vertebrates.) Pp. 196–201 in: Makhlina, M. Kh., Alekseev, A. S., Goreva, N. V., Gorjunova, R. V., Isakova, T. N., Kossovaya, O. L., Lazarev, S. S., Lebedev, O. A. and Shkolin, A. A. (eds.): Srednij karbon Moskovskoy sineklizy (yuzhnaya chast'). Tom 2. Paleontologicheskaya kharakteristika. (Nauchnyj mir), Moscow. [In Russian] Reference page.
- Ginter, M., Ivanov, A.O. & Lebedev, O.A. 2005. The revision of Cladodus occidentalis, a late Palaeozoic ctenacanthiform shark. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 50(3): 623–631. Reference page.
- Ivanov, A.O. & Lebedev, O.A. 2014. Permian chondrichthyans of the Kanin Peninsula, Russia. Paleontological Journal 48(9): 1030–1043. DOI: 10.1134/S0031030114090056 Reference page.
- Lebedev, O.A., Sennikov, A.G., Golubev, V.K., Krupina, N.I., Niedźwiedzki, G. & Sulej, T. 2015. The first find of Permian ceratodontids (Dipnoi, Osteichthyes) in Russia. Paleontological Journal 49(10): 1112–1124. DOI: 10.1134/S0031030115110052 Reference page.