Giao diện
[sửa]Familia: Phocidae
Genus: Mirounga
Species (2): M. angustirostris – M. leonina
[sửa]- Type species: Phoca proboscidea Péron, 1816, by subsequent designation.
[sửa]Primary references
[sửa]- Gray, J.E. 1827. A synopsis of the species of the class Mammalia. Pp. 1–296 In Griffith, E. (ed.). The animal kingdom arranged in conformity with its organization, by the Baron Cuvier, with additional descriptions of all the species hitherto named, and of many not before noticed. Volume the Fitfh. Geo. B. Whittaker: London. 392 pp. BHL Reference page.
Vernacular names
[sửa]العربية: فيل البحر
беларуская: Марскія сланы
Deutsch: See-Elefanten
Ελληνικά: Θαλάσσιος Ελέφαντας
English: Elephant seal
español: Elefante marino
suomi: Merinorsut
français: Éléphant de mer
magyar: Elefántfóka
italiano: Elefante marino
日本語: ゾウアザラシ属
Nederlands: Zeeolifant
polski: Słoń morski
português: Elefante marinho
русский: Морской слон
svenska: Sjöelefanter
беларуская: Марскія сланы
Deutsch: See-Elefanten
Ελληνικά: Θαλάσσιος Ελέφαντας
English: Elephant seal
español: Elefante marino
suomi: Merinorsut
français: Éléphant de mer
magyar: Elefántfóka
italiano: Elefante marino
日本語: ゾウアザラシ属
Nederlands: Zeeolifant
polski: Słoń morski
português: Elefante marinho
русский: Морской слон
svenska: Sjöelefanter