Michel Laguerre
Michel Laguerre (Laguerre)
Entomologist, France
- 31 rue de la Haute-Lande, 33850 Léognan, France.
Taxon names authored
(List may be incomplete)
[edit](List may be incomplete)
[edit]- Laguerre, M. 2005. Description de trois nouvelles espèces d'Arctiidaes de Guyane Française (Lepidoptera Arctiidae Arctiinae). (Note n°1). Lambillionea 105(4) (Tome I): 521–529. ResearchGate
Reference page.
[edit]- Laguerre, M. & Espinoza, B.A. 2006: New data on Central-America Arctiidae: description of a new Robinsonia Grote and note on Hyperandra laguerrei Toulgoët with description of the female (Lepidoptera Arctiidae Arctiinae). Lambillionea 106(1): 71–78. Reference page.
- Laguerre, M. 2006: Description d'un Idalus nouveau du Nicaragua (Lepidoptera Arctiidae Arctiinae). Note n°2. Lambillionea 106(1): 111–116. [1] Reference page.
[edit]- Laguerre, M. 2008: Contribution to the knowledge of Neotropical Arctiinae: III. New status within the genus Hyperandra Hampson, 1901 (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae: Arctiinae: Phaegopterini). Lambillionea 108(1): 26–33. Reference page.
- Laguerre, M. 2008: Contribution to the knowledge of neotropical Arctiinae. IV New combination and synonymy within the genus Hyperandra HAMPSON, 1901 (Lepidoptera Arctiidae Arctiinae Phaegopterini). Lambillionea 108(3): 358–360. Reference page.
- Laguerre, M. 2008: Contribution à la connaissance des Lithosiinae néotropicales. I. Note sur Illice citrina (DRUCE), 1885 et rétablissement de Illice intacta ROTHSCHILD, 1913 comme bona species. Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 113(2): 173–176. full article (pdf). Reference page.
[edit]- Laguerre, M. 2009: Contribution to the knowledge of Neotropical Arctiidae. V. Description of a new Hypercompe Hübner, [1819] from French Guyana (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae). Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 114(2): 171–176. full article (pdf). Reference page.
- Vincent, B., Laguerre, M. & Rougerie, R. 2009. Contribution à la connaissance du genre Opharus Walker avec description de deux nouvelles espèces. Apport des codes barres ADN (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae). Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 114(1): 69–78. Full article (PDF). Reference page.
[edit]- Laguerre, M. 2010: Description of two new Homoeocera Felder from Guatemala and Mexico (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae, Arctiinae, Euchromiini). ZooKeys 33: 29–38. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.33.275 Reference page.
- Vincent, B. & Laguerre, M. 2010. Changements nomenclaturaux en vue de l’actualisation du catalogue des Arctiinae néotropicales (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae). Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 115(2): 175–184. Full article (PDF). Reference page.
- Monzón Sierra, J., Laguerre, M. & Herbin, D. 2010. Mariposas nocturnas (Familias Arctiidae, Saturniidae y Sphingidae) de la Reserva Refugio del Quetzal (Guatemala, Suchitepéquez). Revista de la Universidad del Valle de Guatemala 21: 69–87. full article (pdf). Reference page.
- Laguerre, M. 2010: Contribution to the knowledge of neotropical Arctiinae. VI. Description of another new Amaxia Walker, 1855 from french Guyana close to gnosia SCHAUS, 1905 (Lepidoptera Arctiidae Arctiinae Phaegopterini). Lambillionea 110(1): 65–72. ResearchGate
. Reference page.
[edit]- Laguerre, M. 2011. Contribution à la connaissance des Arctiidae néotropicales VII. Description d’une espèce nouvelle de Trichromia Hübner de Guyane française avec un curieux cas de mimétisme (Lepidoptera Arctiidae Arctiinae). L'Entomologiste 67(1): 33-38. Reference page.
[edit]- Vincent, B. & Laguerre, M. 2013: Four new Neotropical Lophocampa species with a redescription of Lophocampa atriceps (Hampson) (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Arctiinae). ZooKeys 264: 47–69. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.264.4166 Reference page.
- Vincent, B. & Laguerre, M. 2013a. Changements nomenclaturaux chez les Arctiinae néotropicales (Insecta, Lepidoptera, Erebidae); seconde partie. Zoosystema 35(3): 425–455. Full article (PDF). Reference page.
[edit]- Laguerre, M. 2014. Description of a new species of Euchromiina from Dominican Republic (Lepidoptera Erebidae Arctiinae Ctenuchini). Antenor 1(1): 3-10. Reference page.
- Laguerre, M. 2014a. Partial revision of the genus Homoeocera Felder, 1874, and description of three new species (Lepidoptera Erebidae Arctiinae Ctenuchini). Antenor 1(2): 153-172. Reference page.
- Laguerre, M., Monzón Sierra, J. & Moraes, S. de S. 2014. Description of two new species Pericopini from Guatemala and critical review of some recent nomenclature changes in the genus Dysschema Hübner (Lepidoptera: Erebiidae: Arctiinae: Pericopini). Journal of Insect Biodiversity 2(4): 1–19. [2]. Reference page.
- Laguerre, M., Romé, D. & Deknuydt, F. 2014: A new species of Eriphioides Kirby, 1892, from Martinique (Lepidoptera, Erebiidae, Arctiinae, Ctenuchini). Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 119(4): 421–425. [3] Reference page.
- Vincent, B. & Laguerre, M. 2014. Catalogue of the Neotropical Arctiini Leach, [1815] (except Ctenuchina Kirby, 1837 and Euchromiina Butler, 1876) (Insecta, Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Arctiinae). Zoosystema 36(2): 137–533. DOI: 10.5252/z2014n2a1 Full article (PDF). Reference page.
[edit]- Laguerre, M. 2015. Revision of the genus Glaucostola Hampson, 1901, description of two new genera and of two new species from Brazil and recombination of several species (Noctuoidea Erebidae Arctiinae Phaegopterini). Antenor 2(2): 154-175. Reference page.
- Zenker, M.M., Rougerie, R., Teston, J.A., Laguerre M., Pie, M.R. & Freitas, A.V.L. 2015. Integration of DNA barcoding in a local diversity survey of Lepidoptera: confronting morphospecies and DNA barcode OTUs of Arctiinae moths in the Brazilian Atlantic forest. GENOME 58(5): 300-301. Reference page.
[edit]- Laguerre, M. 2016. Revision of the complex of Idalus vitrea (Cramer, [1780]) and description of three new species (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae: Arctiinii). Antenor 1(1): 3-10. Reference page.
- Laguerre, M. 2016a. Sex pairing of three highly dimorphic Arctiinae (Lepidoptera: Erebiidae) females in French Guyana and description of three new species from Brazil. Journal of Insect Biodiversity 4(21): 1‐26. Reference page.
- Laguerre, M. & Vincent, B. 2016. Two new Neonerita Hampson species with redescription of Neonerita dorsipuncta Hampson, 1901 (Lepidoptera: Erebiidae: Arctiinae: Phaegopterina). Journal of Insect Biodiversity 4(11): 1-18. Reference page.
- Lamarre, G.P.A., Decaëns, T., Rougerie, R., Barbut, J., deWaard, J.R., Hebert, P., Herbin, D., Laguerre, M., Thiaucourt, P. & Martins, M.B., 2016. An integrative taxonomy approach unveils unknown and threatened moth species in Amazonian rainforest fragments. Insect Conservation and Diversity 9(5): 475-479. ResearchGate
. Reference page.
- Zenker, M.M., Rougerie, R., Teston, J.A., Laguerre M., Pie, M.R. & Freitas, A.V.L. 2016. Fast Census of Moth Diversity in the Neotropics: A Comparison of Field-Assigned Morphospecies and DNA Barcoding in Tiger Moths. PLOS ONE 11(2): e0148423. [4] Reference page.
- Zenker, M.M., Freitas, A.V.L., Rougerie, R., Teston, J.A., Laguerre M. & Pie, M.R. 2016. Uncovering Tiger Moth Diversity in Brazil’s Most Endangered Biome. Barcode Bulletin 7(2): 22-23. [5] Reference page.
[edit]- Espinoza-Sanabria, B.A., Laguerre, M., Sullivan, J.B., Janzen, D.H. & Hallwachs, W. 2017. Description of a new genus and three new species of Erebidae, from Central and South America (Lepidoptera, Arctiinae, Arctiini). Tropical Lepidoptera Research 27(2): 62-70. full article (PDF). Reference page.
- Laguerre, M. 2017. Revision of the complex of Echeta trinotata Reich, 1933: description of two new species (Lepidoptera: Erebiidae: Arctiinae). Zootaxa 4276(4): 591–599. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4276.4.10. Reference page.
- Laguerre, M. 2017a. Review at the genus level of Hypocrita Hübner, [1807], Thyrgis Walker, 1854, and Chetone Boisduval, 1870. Descriptions of two new genera and two new species (Lepidoptera Erebidae Arctiinae Pericopina). Antenor 4(2): 90-106. Reference page.
- Vincent, B. & Laguerre, M. 2017. Descriptions of a new species and subspecies of Halysidota Hübner, [1819] from Mexico (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae) Journal of Insect Biodiversity 5(20): 1–10. full article (PDF). Reference page.
- Vincent, B. & Laguerre, M. 2017a. Description de deux nouvelles espèces du genre Trichromia Hübner, 1815, de Guyane française (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Arctiinae) Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 122(2): 223‑232. Full article (PDF).Reference page.
[edit]- Grados, J., Laguerre, M. & Boppré, M. 2018: Gloora gen. nov. (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae: Arctiini: Ctenuchina) for several Agylla-like Arctiinae. Zootaxa 4497(2): 226–240. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4497.2.4.
Reference page.
- Laguerre, M. 2018. Review of the red Rhipha Walker, 1854, description of a new genus and five new species for the Neotropical fauna. (Noctuoidea: Erebidae: Arctiinae: Arctiini: Phaegopterina). Antenor 5(1): 43–62. Reference page.
- Laguerre, M. 2018a. Description d’une nouvelle espèce de Lithosiini de Martinique (Noctuoidea Erebidae Arctiinae Lithosiini). Antenor 5(1): 67-70. ResearchGate
. Reference page.
[edit]- Laguerre, M. 2019. Description of two new genera and four new species of Arctiinae from the Neotropical fauna. (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae)). ResearchGate
. Antenor 6(1): 47-56. Reference page.
[edit]- Laguerre, M. 2020. Revision of the genus Scena Walker, 1854: new recombination and description of a new genus and three new species (Lepidoptera Erebidae Arctiinae Arctiini Euchromiina. Antenor 7(2): 109-122. Reference page.
- Laguerre, M. & Lesieur, X. 2020. Révision du genre Phaio Neumoegen, 1894 (1è* partie) (Lepidoptera Erebidae Arctiinae Arctiini Euchromiina). Antenor 17(1): 42-56. Reference page.
- Laguerre, M. 2020. Description of six new species of Lithosiini for the Neotropical fauna (Lepidoptera erebidae Arctiinae Lithosiini). ResearchGate
. Antenor 6(2): 123-133. Reference page.
- Boppré, M., Grados, J., Laguerre, M. & Monzon, J., 2020: Vanewrightia gen. nov. ‒ a Highly Variable Taxon of Neotropical Ctenuchina (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae: Arctiini) Revealed by Behavioural Traits. Insect Systematics and Diversity 4(5):1-19. DOI: 10.1093/isd/ixaa012
Reference page.
[edit]- Laguerre, M. 2021. Partial revision of the genus Robinsonia Grote 1866: description of five new species for the Neotropical fauna (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Arctiinae, Phaegopterina). Zootaxa 4990(1): 065–080. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4990.1.4.
. Reference page.
- Laguerre, M. 2021a. Partial revision of the genus Haemaphlebiella Collins, 1962: description of four new species (Lepidoptera Noctuoidea Erebidae Arctiinae Arctiini Phaegopterina). Antenor 8(1): 29-45. Reference page.
- Vincent, B. Laguerre, M. 2021. Les Lépidoptères Arctiini (Arctiinae) de République Dominicaine. Liste actualisée, recombinaisons et description de nouvelles espèces. The European Entomologist 12(3): 93–116. Reference page.
- Laguerre, M. & Vincent, B. 2021. Pairing of two highly sexually dimorphic species within the genus Lophocampa Harris, 1841 (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiini). Zootaxa 4927(1): 104–112. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4927.1.6 Reference page.
- Cock, M.J.W. & Laguerre, M. 2021. Taxonomic changes in the Neotropical Arctiinae, Arctiini (Lepidoptera, Erebidae) relating to the fauna of Trinidad and Tobago. Zootaxa 5071(2): 253–270. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5071.2.5.
. Reference page.
[edit]- Cock, M.J.W. & Laguerre, M. 2022. Taxonomic changes in the Neotropical wasp moths, Euchromiina and Ctenuchina (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Arctiinae, Arctiini) relating to the fauna of Trinidad & Tobago, with descriptions of new species. Zootaxa 5222(2): 101–132. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5222.2.1.
. Reference page.
- Laguerre, M. 2022. Revision of the genus Lepidokirbyia Travassos, 1943: description of two new species (Noctuoidea Erebidae Arctiinae Arctiini Phaegopterina). Antenor 8(2): 147-158. Reference page.
- Laguerre, M. 2022. Description of a new Pseudaethria Schaus, 1924, from Colombia and of a new Marecidia Schaus, 1901, from Bolivia (Noctuoidea Erebidae Arctiinae Arctiini Ctenuchina). Antenor 8(2): 176-183. Reference page.
- Laguerre, M. 2022. Description d’une nouvelle espèce de Lithosiini de Guadeloupe (Lepidoptera Erebidae Arctiinae Lithosiini). Antenor 9(2): 63-66. Reference page.
- Laguerre, M. 2022. Revision of the genus Balbura Walker, 1854: new combination of two species (Noctuoidea Erebidae Arctiinae Lithosiini). Antenor 9(1): 1-10. Reference page.
- Vincent, B. & Laguerre, M. 2022. Un nom de remplacement pour le genre Melinda Pinas, 2000 (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Arctiinae). Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 127(2): 124. Full article (PDF). Reference page.
- Lamarre, G.P.A., Pardikes, N., Segar, S., Hackforth, C., Laguerre, M., Benoît, V., Lopez, Y., Perez, F., Bobadilla, R., Ramirez Silva, J., Basset, Y. } 2022. More winners than losers over 12 years of monitoring tiger moths (Erebidae: Arctiinae) on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. Biology Letters 18(4): 1-7. DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2021.0519 Reference page.
[edit]- Cock, M.J.W., Laguerre, M., Buddie, A.G., Cafa, G., Alston-Smith, S., Morrall, J. & Gosula, V.S. 2023. Using DNA barcodes to test the association of sexes and morphs in Calodesma spp. (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Arctiinae, Arctiini, Pericopina) of Trinidad, West Indies, with an overview of the genus, taxonomic changes and a new species. Zootaxa 5270(2): 231–261. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5270.2.4.
. Reference page.
- Laguerre, M. 2023. Revision of the genus Lepidoneiva Travassos, 1940: resurrection of several species. (Erebidae: Arctiinae: Arctiini" Euchromiina). Antenor 9(4): 143-160. Reference page.
- Laguerre, M. 2023. Generic revision of Hypercompe Hübner, [1818] and allied genera with descriptions of new genera and new species (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae). Faunitaxys 11(75): 1-34. [[6]] Reference page.
- Laguerre, M., Espinoza-Sanabria, B.A., Janzen, D.H. & Hallwachs, W. 2023. Revision of the genus Cloesia Hampson, 1900: description of five new species and recombination of two species (Noctuoidea Erebidae Arctiinae Lithosiini). Faunitaxys 11(47): 1-21. Reference page.
- Cock, M.J.W., Laguerre, M., 2023. Euchromiina wasp moths (Lepidoptera,Erebidae, Arctiinae, Arctiini) of Trinidad & Tobago. Living World, Journal of the Trinidad and Tobago Field Naturalists' Club, 2023: 1-83 + appendix: 1-58 [7]
Reference page.
[edit]- Laguerre, M. 2024. Review of the “red” Elysius Walker, 1855, and description of two new species for the Neotropical fauna (Noctuoidea Erebidae Arctiinae Arctiini Phaegopterina). Antenor 10(3): 105-125. Reference page.
- Laguerre, M. 2024. Description of three new species and a new genus of Lithosiini from Dominican Republic (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae: Lithosiini). Faunitaxys 12(37): 1-9. [[8]] Reference page.
- Laguerre, M. 2024. New species and combinations concerning the genus Planusuncus (Erebidae Arctiinae Arctiini Euchromiina). Antenor 11(1): 17-25. Reference page.