Mangifera quadrifida
(Redirected from Mangifera maingayi)

[edit]Taxonavigation: Sapindales |
Classification System: APG IV
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Anacardiaceae
Subfamilia: Anacardioideae
Genus: Mangifera
Species: Mangifera quadrifida
[edit]Mangifera quadrifida Jack, Fl. Ind. (Carey & Wallich) 2: 440 (1824)
- Type: Jack in Herb. Wallich Cat. 8489 (Holotype: K-W [K001125672(GBIF, JSTOR)]; Isotypes: BO-1363721(GBIF), L [fide Kostermans & Bompard 1993]; cf. K [K001315564(GBIF), Herb. Benth.]).
- Type locality: [Malaysia.] Penang.
[edit]- Heterotypic
- "Manga silvestris" vel "Manga pau" Rumph., Herb. Amboin. 1: 96, t. 26 (1741)
- Note: fide Kostermans & Bompard (1993).
- "Pau Bandanensium" Rumph., Herb. Amboin. 1: 96 (1741)
- Note: fide Kostermans & Bompard (1993).
- Mangifera indica L. var. excelsa Stokes, Bot. Mat. Med. 1: 448 (1812); not accepted by Kostermans & Bompard (1993) [cited as M. quadrifida]
- Note: Stokes cites Manga pau Rumph. (1741: 96, t. 26).
- Mangifera spathulifolia Blume, Mus. Bot. 1(13): 200 (1850), as 'spathulaefolia'
- Lectotype: P.W. Korthals s.n. (in flower; L 0015774 (sheet 897.363-576)(GBIF, JSTOR) [fide Ding Hou, Blumea 24(1): 28 (1978)]; Isolectotypes: L {0015770 (sheet 897.363-578)(GBIF, JSTOR), 0015771 (sheet 897.363-580)(GBIF, JSTOR), 0015772 (sheet 897.363-577)(GBIF, JSTOR)}).
- Type locality: [Indonesia.] S. Borneo: Banyuwirang.
- Mangifera langong Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind., Eerste Bijv. 3: 521–522 (1861); not accepted by Hou (1978) and Kostermans & Bompard (1993) [cited as M. quadrifida]
- Mangifera quadrifida var. spathulifolia (Blume) Engl., Monogr. Phan. [A.DC. & C.DC.] 4: 207 (1883), as "β. spathulæfolia"; not accepted by Hou (1978) and Kostermans & Bompard (1993) [cited as M. quadrifida]
- Mangifera rumphii Pierre, Fl. Forest. Cochinch.: sub t. 364E (1897), nom. inval.; not accepted by Ding Hou, Fl. Males., Ser. 1, Spermat. 8(3): 430 (1978) [cited as M. altissima] and Kostermans & Bompard (1993) [cited as M. quadrifida]
- Note: excluding M. altissima, t. 26 Manga silvestris Rumph. and description as partly based on M. altissima; typification by Kostermans & Bompard (1993) is as follows: 'Typus: Praetorius s.n., Amboina, detached leaves only (BO,K,P,holo), lecto-typus: propositum syn-typus: Manga silvestris vel manga pau Rumph., Herb. Amboin. 1 (1741) 96, t. 26.' As Kostermans & Bompard point out, this name is invalid due to citation of M. altissima Blanco (1837). Sheets of C.F.E. Praetorius s.n. are P02440650(GBIF, JSTOR), BO-0099363(GBIF) and L {0015775 (sheet 908.326-109)(GBIF, JSTOR), 0015776 (sheet 897.363-383)(GBIF, JSTOR)}.
- "Manga silvestris" vel "Manga pau" Rumph., Herb. Amboin. 1: 96, t. 26 (1741)
[edit]- The following names are placed here by Hou (1978) and Chayamarit (2010) while accepted by Kostermans & Bompard (1993) as separated species:
- Mangifera rigida Blume;
- Mangifera maingayi Hook.f.;
- Mangifera longipetiolata King (syn. M. quadrifida var. longipetiolata (King) Kochummen).
Misapplied names
[edit]- Mangifera similis auct. non Blume: Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind., Eerste Bijv.: 204 (1861), quoad Teijsmann H.B. 3746; Ding Hou, Identific. List 57 (1979), quoad bb. 25128.
- Note: fide Kostermans & Bompard (1993).
- Mangifera altissima auct. non Blanco: Ding Hou, Identific. List 57 (1979), quoad bb. 28897 et bb. 28994.
- Note: fide Kostermans & Bompard (1993).
- Mangifera odorata auct. non Griff.: Ding Hou, Identific. List 57 (1979), quoad Koorders 22781.
- Note: fide Kostermans & Bompard (1993).
- Mangifera timorensis auct. non Blume: Ding Hou, Identific. List 57 (1979), quoad bb. 19439 et Kostermans 18900.
- Note: fide Kostermans & Bompard (1993).
[edit]Native distribution areas: |
References: Brummitt, R.K. 2001. TDWG – World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions, 2nd Edition |
[edit]Primary references
[edit]- Roxburgh, W. (†) 1824. Flora Indica; or Descriptions of Indian Plants. [Edited by Carey, W.] Vol. 2. 588 pp. Serampore. BHL Reference page.
Additional references
[edit]- Blume, C.L. 1849–1851. Museum Botanicum Lugduno-Batavum sive stirpium Exoticarum, Novarum vel Minus Cognitarum ex Vivis aut Siccis Brevis Expositio et Descriptio. Leiden. Volumen 1. BHL Reference page.
- Chayamarit, K. 2010. Anacardiaceae. In: Larsen, K. & Santisuk, T. (eds.), Flora of Thailand, Vol. 10, Part 3. The Forest Herbarium, Royal Forest Department, pp. 265–329. ISBN 9789742867898 e-Flora of Thailand. Reference page. [see page 305]
- Engler, A. 1883. Bursearceæ et Anacardiacæ. de Candolle, A. & de Candolle, C. (eds.) Monographiae phanerogamarum: Prodromi nunc continuatio, nunc revisio. Vol. quartum. Paris: G. Masson. 573 pp. BHL. Reference page.
- Hou, D. 1978. Florae Malesianae Praecursores LVI. Anacardiaceae. Blumea 24(1) 1–41. PDF. Reference page. [see pages 28–29]
- Hou, D. 1978. Anacardiaceae. Pp. 395–548 in van Steenis, C.G.G.J. (ed.), Flora Malesiana, Ser. I, Vol. 8(3). Sijthoff & Noordhoff International Publishers, Alphen aan den Rijn, the Netherlands. BHL Reference page. [see pages 429–430]
- Kochummen, K.M. 1996. Anacardiaceae. In: Soepadmo, E., Wong, K.M. & Saw, L.G. (eds.), Tree Flora of Sabah and Sarawak, Vol. 2. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Ampang Press, pp. 1–92. ISBN 983-9592-56-4 PDF. Reference page. [see page 44]
- Kostermans, A.J.G.H. & Bompard, J.-M. 1993. The Mangoes: Their Botany, Nomenclature, Horticulture and Utilization. London / San Diego, CA: Academic Press, Harcourt Brace & Company, Publishers. xvi + 265 pp. ISBN 0-12-421920-9 DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-421920-5.X5001-X
[except for index]. Google Books (only snippets available). Reference page. [see pages 68–72]
- Miquel, F.A.W. 1860–1861. Sumatra, zijne plantenwereld en hare voortbrengselen. Flora van Nederlandsch Indië, Eerste bijvoegsel. XXIV+656 pp., 4 tt. C. G. van der Post, Amsterdam; C. van der Post Jr., Utrecht; Fried. Fleischer, Leipzig. BHL. Reference page.
- Newman, M., Ketphanh, S., Svengsuksa, B., Thomas, P., Sengdala, K., Lamxay, V. & Armstrong, K. 2007. A Checklist of the Vascular Plants of Lao PDR. 394 pp. Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh. ISBN 978-1-906129-04-0. PDF. Reference page. [see page 47]
- Pierre, J.B.L. 1897–1907. Flore Forestiere de la Cochinchine. [Volume 4,] fascicules 21–66, pl. 301–400. Paris: Octave Doin. BHL Reference page.
- Rumphius, G.E. (†) 1741. Herbarium Amboinense, Plurimas conplectens Arbores, Frutices, Herbas, Plantas terrestres & aquaticas, Quae in Amboina, et adjacentibus reperiuntur insulis, Adcuratissime descriptas juxta earum formas, cum diuersis denominationibus cultura, usu, ac virtutibus. Quod & insuper exhibet varia insectorum animaliumque genera, Plurima cum naturalibus eorum figuris depicta. Pars Prima[Vol. 1]. BHL Reference page.
- Stokes, J. 1812. A Botanical Materia Medica, Vonsisting of the Generic and Specific Characters of the Plants Used in Medicine and Diet, with Synonyms, and References to Medical Authors. London: J. Johnson and Co. Vol. I: (BHL); Vol. II: (BHL); Vol. III: (BHL); Vol. IV: (702 pp.; BHL; Biblioteca Digital). Reference page.
- Wallich, N. 1828–1849. A Numerical List of Dried Specimens of plants in the Museum of the Honl. East India Company, which have been supplied by Dr. Wallich, superintendent of the botanic garden at Calcutta. London. BHL Reference page. [see page 287]
[edit]- Global Biodiversity Information Facility. 2024. GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset. Taxon: Mangifera altissima. Accessed: 2024 July 28.
- Global Biodiversity Information Facility. 2024. GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset. Taxon: Mangifera quadrifida. Accessed: 2024 July 29.
- Govaerts, R. et al. 2024. Mangifera quadrifida in Kew Science Plants of the World Online. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Published online. Accessed: 2024 July 28. Reference page.
- Hassler, M. 2018. Mangifera quadrifida. World Plants: Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World In: Roskovh, Y., Abucay, L., Orrell, T., Nicolson, D., Bailly, N., Kirk, P., Bourgoin, T., DeWalt, R.E., Decock, W., De Wever, A., Nieukerken, E. van, Zarucchi, J. & Penev, L., eds. 2018. Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life. Published online. Accessed: 2018 ⧼Augiust⧽ 9. Reference page.
- International Plant Names Index. 2024. Mangifera quadrifida. Published online. Accessed: 28 July 2024. Reference page.
- Rhodes, L. & Maxted, N., 2016. Mangifera quadrifida. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016. IUCN Red List Category: Least Concern . DOI: 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-3.RLTS.T62945A47600654.en.
- USDA, ARS, Germplasm Resources Information Network. Mangifera quadrifida in the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service. Accessed: 09-Oct-10.
Vernacular names
[edit]日本語: アサムマンゴ
Minangkabau: Langong
Bahasa Melayu: Asam Kumbang
ไทย: มะม่วงคัน
Minangkabau: Langong
Bahasa Melayu: Asam Kumbang
ไทย: มะม่วงคัน
- Batak Angkola: Longgun
- Bulungan: Ubab
- Mandailing Batak: Longgun