Squamarina lentigera
(Redirected from Lichen lentigerus)
[edit]Taxonavigation: Lecanorales |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Cladoniaceae
Genus: Squamarina
Species: Squamarina lentigera
[edit]Squamarina lentigera (Weber) Poelt, 1958
World distribution: Europe, Asia, North America
- Basionym
- Lichen lentigerus Weber, 1778
[edit]- Gasparrinia lentigera (Weber) Tornab., 1849
- Lecanora lentigera (Weber) Ach., Lich. univ.: 423 (1810)
- Lichen lentigerus Weber, Spicil. fl. goetting.: 192 (1778)
- Parmelia lentigera (Weber) Ach., 1803
- Patellaria lentigera (Weber) Wallr., 1831
- Placodium lentigerum (Weber) Gray
- Psora lentigera (Weber) Hoffm., 1794
- Psoroma lentigerum (Weber) A.Massal.
- Squamaria lentigera (Weber) DC., in Lamarck & de Candolle, Fl. franç., Edn 3 (Paris) 2: 376 (1805)
- Squamarina kansuensis (H.Magn.) Poelt
[edit]- Poelt, Mitt. bot. StSamml., Münch. 19-20: 536 (1958)
- Poelt, J. (1958) Die lobaten Arten der Flechtengattung Lecanora Ach. sensu ampl. in der Holarktis. - Mitt. der Bot. Staatssammlung München 2(19–20): 411–589. (RLL List # 30 / Rec. # 14805 - Recent Literature on Lichens) (Biodiversity Heritage Library)
- Brodo, I.M., Sharnoff, S.D. and Sharnoff, S. (2001) Anaptychia (pp. 160-161) In, Lichens of North America. Yale University Press, New Haven, 795 pages. (RLL List # 184 / Rec. # 22465 - Recent Literature on Lichens) (Discussion of Squamarina lentigera: and distribution map for North America: p. 661; color photo: p. 661, plate 807)
- Dobson, F.S. (2000) (Fourth edition) Squamarina (pp. 363-364 ) In, Lichens: An illustrated guide to the British and Irish species. The Richmond Publishing Co., Ltd., Slough, England, 431 pp. (RLL List # 184 / Rec. # 22402 - Recent Literature on Lichens) (Discussion of Squamarina lentigera and map: p. 364)
- Hale, M.E., Jr. (1979) How to Know the Lichens. 2nd. Edition. - Wm. C. Brown Co., Dubuque, Iowa. 246 pp. (RLL List # 103-34 / Rec. # 7485 - Recent Literature on Lichens) (Illustration of Squamarina lentigera: p. 230)
- Ryan, B.D. (2002) Squamarina (pp. 466-`468) In: Nash III, T.H.; Ryan, B.D.; Gries, C. and Bungartz, F. (eds.), Lichen Flora of the Greater Sonoran Desert Region, Vol. 1. Lichens Unlimited, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, 532 pages. (RLL List # 187 / Rec. # 23133 - Recent Literature on Lichens) (Discussion of Squamarina lentigera: pp. 467-468; black-and-white photo: p. 467, fig. 98)
- St. Clair, L.L. (1999) Phaeorrhiza H. Mayrh. & Poelt (pp. 142) In, A color guidebook to common Rocky Mountain lichens. M.L. Bean Life Science Museum of Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, Publisher, 242 pp. (RLL List # 180 / Rec. # 21417 - Recent Literature on Lichens) (Discussion of Squamarina lentigera and color photo: p. 188)
- Seaward, M.R.D. (1992) Squamarina Poelt, 1958 (p. 572) In: Purvis, O.W., Coppins, B.J., Hawksworth, D.L., James, P.W. and Moore, D.M. (eds.) The Lichen Flora of Great Britain and Ireland. London: Natural History Museum Publication, 710 pp. (RLL List # 151 / Rec. # 15105 - Recent Literature on Lichens) (Discussion of Squamarina lentigera: p. 572)
- Vitt, D.H.; Marsh, J.E. and Bovey, R.B. (1988) Mosses, Lichens & Ferns of Northwest North America. Edmonton: Lone Pine Publishing, 296 pp. (RLL List # 135 / Rec. # 19839 - Recent Literature on Lichens) (Illustration of Squamarina lentigera: p. 189)
- Wirth, V. (1995) Squamarina Poelt (pp. 867-869) - Teil 2 - In, Die Flechten Baden-Württembergs, Teil 1 & 2. Eugen Ulmer GmbH & Co., Stuttgart. 1006 pp.; in German. (RLL List # 159 / Rec. # 20405 - Recent Literature on Lichens) (Discussion of Squamarina lentigera: p. 869)
Links to photos
[edit]- Stephen Sharnoff's Lichen Photos - Squamarina lentigera
- The Lichen Herbarium, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo, Norway (Photo Gallery) - Squamarina lentigera
- Lichen Gallery of Leif & Anita Stridvall - Squamarina lentigera
Vernacular names
[edit]English: White-rim lichen, Rim lichen, scaly breck-lichen